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Political Participation

March 29, 2023

🔮 Social media: populists’ partners in crime

Laura Jacobs Social media play a key role in amplifying populist messages. The resulting misinformation, political polarisation, and the proliferation of hate speech, pose challenges for democracy. Laura Jacobs steps into the populist echo chamber Read more
March 17, 2023

💊 What student government can teach us about democracy

Justin Patrick As student governments experience decline and collapse in the twenty-first century, their importance in contemporary political life should not be underestimated. They serve as valuable resources for political scientists looking to understand democracy at fundamental levels. Justin Patrick argues that we should take them seriously in research and practice Read more
March 16, 2023

Politicians must share deliberative power to increase legitimacy

Anne Nygaard Jedzini The threat of sanctions or coercive power is key to how governments make public good outcomes. To increase the legitimacy of coercive power and address illegitimate forms of power such as control and corruption, Anne Nygaard Jedzini argues that politicians need to share power with citizens through deliberation Read more
March 14, 2023

💊 Decidim: why digital tools for democracy need to be developed democratically

Adrian Smith New digital platforms for citizens' initiatives, such as Decidim, are becoming more popular. Adrian Smith and Pedro Prieto Martín argue that while the technology may not be developed in a democratic way, such instruments can develop into tools for democracy in today’s digital societies Read more
March 13, 2023

💊 Can political science save democracy?

Titus Alexander Most political science is like anatomy, analysing the body politic without healing it. Titus Alexander argues that we can learn from health sciences and create a manifesto, like that of The Lancet, to prioritise improving lives and launch a global mission to strengthen democracy Read more
March 2, 2023

What turns a high-ranking Rabbinical manager into a policy entrepreneur?

Niva Golan-Nadir Innovative bureaucratic reforms are often explained by pointing to the motivations of individual bureaucrats or organisational culture. Yet, Niva Golan-Nadir explains how macro-level factors such as bureaucratic inefficiency, public criticism, and competition from NGOs also help initiate policy innovation and motivate managers into becoming entrepreneurs The bureaucratic inefficiency of Kosher food inspection in Israel The […] Read more
November 18, 2022

Citizen assemblies must report on expert diversity and inclusion

Jen Roberts Deliberative approaches like citizen assemblies are gaining traction, particularly to inform climate policy. To ensure the legitimacy of these processes, Jen Roberts and her team argue that the process of selecting experts involved in citizen deliberations should be transparent, and must consider diversity and inclusivity Read more
November 1, 2022

♟️ Letting Agrabah go: why we must de-orientalise our approach to the Arab Gulf states

Dawud Ansari De-orientalising the scholarship on the Arab Gulf states is crucial, argues Dawud Ansari. Commentaries and datasets generalise them as ‘monarchies’, erasing vital differences between these countries. New terms are a starting point for transforming research on the wider region – an urgent objective given new crises and freshened global interest Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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