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Political Participation

💊 Opportunities and potential pitfalls of AI-supported democracy

July 23, 2024

🔮 Beyond grievances: the path to populist radical-right party membership

December 12, 2023

🔮 The resurgence of agrarian populism

September 28, 2023

🔮 Populism and protest at the ballot box

August 31, 2023

🔮 The thin and chamaeleonic nature of demand for populism

August 25, 2023
August 11, 2023

Are British voters ready for i-voting?

Manu Savani As political participation, government services, and social interaction increasingly go digital, are we ready for i-voting – remote online voting – through a few clicks on a phone or laptop? Justin Fisher and Manu Savani look at what makes British voters willing to take up i-voting Read more
August 1, 2023

Citizen participation and social protest in transnational megaprojects

Mattia Bottino Participatory governance in megaprojects is intended to involve citizens in the decision-making processes and tackle their disaffection towards institutions. Mattia Bottino analyses the ‘proximity strategy’ used to realise the Brenner Basistunnel between Italy and Austria and contrasts it with the NO TAV experience in Italy’s Susa Valley Read more
July 25, 2023

🔮 The rise of the populist radical right in Chile

Lisa Zanotti Lisa Zanotti and Gonzalo Espinoza-Bianchini explore the rise of the populist radical right in Chile, and its ideological differences from its European counterparts. They also highlight the traditional right's vital role in mitigating the mainstreaming of right-wing populist ideas Read more
July 21, 2023

How income inequality threatens democracy

Simon Bienstman Income inequality threatens democracy by depressing trust in political institutions. To better understand why, Simon Bienstman, Svenja Hense, and Markus Gangl argue that we should pay attention to inequality’s negative effect on citizens’ evaluations of the democratic process Read more
July 20, 2023

🔮 Populist storytelling beyond the buzzword

Kostiantyn Yanchenko Narrative approaches are currently experiencing a golden age in many domains of political science. And yet, when it comes to populism studies, scholars are still rather reluctant to adopt a narrative perspective. Kostiantyn Yanchenko explains why studying populist storytelling can be beneficial for the discipline Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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Advancing Political Science
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