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Political Participation

June 21, 2023

AI health in the Nordic countries: privatisation, unmet promises, and limited participation

Jason Tucker Are recent technological developments in artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionary, calamitous, something in between? Are they inevitable, spontaneous, unpredictable? Jason Tucker examines states who actively shape developments in AI health. The challenge is bringing the public back into decision-making in these developments Read more
June 21, 2023

Do referendum voters vote according to their beliefs?

Matthew E Bergman What motivates people in referendum voting? Advocates argue that they allow voters to express their sincere preferences on issues. Matthew Bergman and Gianluca Passarelli look at the Italian case. They argue that voting in referenda can be just as party-focused as other forms of elections Read more
June 19, 2023

🔮 Populist radical right voters do not have a monopoly on nostalgia!

Luca Versteegen Luca Versteegen argues that specific emotions like nostalgia are not limited to populist radical right voters. We should therefore be more careful in ascribing emotions to this group, differentiating emotions and refraining from broad ascriptions like the so-called ‘left behind’ Read more
June 14, 2023

🦋 Weight stigma, citizenship and neoliberal democracy

Kathryn Hicks Kathryn Hicks and Sharon Stanley argue that the contemporary moral panic around obesity emerges from and exacerbates neoliberal tendencies that diminish democratic institutions and imaginaries. Given historical associations between race, gender and fatness, the ostensibly neutral language of health deepens existing lines of democratic exclusion Read more
June 8, 2023

🦋 Democracy’s ‘total texture’ requires mapping its enclosure and opening

Nick Vlahos Nick Vlahos argues that to fully animate the data mountain that Jean-Paul Gagnon has amassed about the plurality and interrelation of democratic adjectives and forms, we must capture the way in which these variegated types of democracy enclose and open how the public can collectively govern Read more
June 7, 2023

🌈 Autocratic backsliding in 'gender-washing' regimes

Daniela Donno Gender-washing regimes pay lip service to liberal norms, but reforms tend to be top-down and symbolic. To advance women’s rights, we need to pay attention to the question of how de jure legal rights can be effectively claimed and experienced by women, according to Daniela Donno Read more
May 30, 2023

🔮 Populism is not just something that populists ‘are’ – it can also be performed and communicated

Michael Hameleers When facts are disputed and experts delegitimised, the term 'populism' may apply to truths and to untruths. Michael Hameleers argues that populist ideas are often strategically communicated to emphasise a divide between congruent truths and incongruent lies. This only serves to emphasise the idea of a divide between ordinary people and corrupt political elites Read more
March 30, 2023

The dilemma of postal voting

Miroslav Nemčok Postal voting is praised for its ability to lower the costs of electoral participation. However, Miroslav Nemčok and Johanna Peltoniemi argue that postal voting has its limits. If voters doubt their ballots will make it to the ballot box uncompromised, they are unlikely to exercise their democratic right Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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