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Political Campaigns

Auction politics: when and why parties are likely to over-promise

June 6, 2024

Redefining Russian elections: insights from Moscow's 2023 mayoral race

October 9, 2023

Poland's polarisation: Kaczyński, Tusk, and the shifting conflict

September 27, 2023

Can the Turkish opposition pact to defeat Erdoğan succeed?

October 19, 2022

Italy’s odd turn to the right

September 14, 2022
July 4, 2022

Whatever happened to the Italian Five Star Movement?

Martin Bull The Italian Five Star Movement has undergone a formidable split, with former leader Luigi di Maio walking out with 60 parliamentarians and forming a new party. This, and declining popularity in opinion polls, marks the twilight of Five Star’s decade-long success – and possibly the end of populist politics in Italy, writes Martin Bull Read more
June 8, 2022

Comparing EKRE's strategy towards Russophone Estonians with Italy's Lega

Stefano Braghiroli Stefano Braghiroli and Andrey Makarychev chart a change in the Estonian National Conservative Party (EKRE). Lately, it has appealed for the first time to Russian-speaking minorities – an attempt at a similar process to the League’s transformation into a national party in Italy. Unlike the Lega, though, they face the obstacle of the Russian invasion of Ukraine Read more
March 26, 2021

After the 2021 Dutch general election, can Volt become a genuine pan-European force?

Benjamin Leruth A new European party, Volt, debuted in the Tweede Kamer following last week's Dutch elections. The party faces challenges, but it could play a role in domestic political landscapes throughout Europe, writes Benjamin Leruth Read more
January 19, 2021

Clientelism – another reason to worry about US democracy

Rachel M. Gisselquist The last several months have given us many reasons to worry about US democracy – not least the riot at the US Capitol and the president’s refusal to accept the results of the November election, with Republican support. Rachel Gisselquist argues that clientelism is yet another reason to worry Read more
November 11, 2020

It’s not just populism! Politicising corruption in election campaigns

Sarah Engler Only populist parties fight elections using anti-corruption slogans, right? Wrong. Sarah Engler finds that other parties too, sloganeer in this way – many without any reference to the ‘corrupt elite’ Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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