Valentina Ausserladscheider
Germany's recently announced increase in defence spending reflects a broader European shift in response to the war in Ukraine. Using the concept of path dependency, Valentina Ausserladscheider believes that this shift breaks with the founding idea of peace in the European Union Read more
Muireann O'Dwyer
Muireann O’Dwyer argues that the economy's gendered nature means that all EU-developed economic policies are intrinsically gendered. Their consequences shape equality across the member states. Addressing this requires a greater democratisation of economic policy, and a renewed commitment to gender mainstreaming The gender of the economy Economic policy is always, at the same time, gender […] Read more
Steven Langendonk
Steven Langendonk contests the idea that Brussels’ new China strategy is indicative of greater agency. Instead, he says, the EU-China relationship is firmly grounded in internal struggles. The pressure is on to manipulate member states' sentiments and to provide a new political narrative for a changing relationship. Read more
Camille Nessel
EU trade policy is widely contested by the public. Their concern: the danger of prioritising neoliberal economic interests over citizens' human rights. Yet, write Camille Nessel and Elke Verhaeghe, the EU was able to avoid mass protest by creating an ethical narrative around its trade negotiations with authoritarian Vietnam Read more
Stefano Braghiroli
The EU has activated a Covid recovery package worth a staggering €672.5 billion. Observers focus on the role of European capitals, inter-governmental institutions, and the European Commission's coordinating role in delivering it. Yet, argues Stefano Braghiroli, we shouldn't ignore the role of the European Parliament... Read more
Anna Guildea
The Biden administration’s plans to introduce a global minimum corporate tax rate, while bringing benefits to the world economy, will have a crushing effect on economies such as Ireland, which has used low corporate tax rates as an engine of economic growth, writes Anna Guildea Read more
Noe Hinck
The European Union has faced a long struggle performing alongside its member states on the international stage. States seek other states to deliberate over global issues. Noe Hinck argues that the newly concluded EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement may be the key to changing this status quo Read more
Lucas Schramm
In 2020 Germany promoted a bold European response to the corona crisis, involving common EU debt. This contrasts starkly with its position a decade before, when it favoured austerity over fiscal stimulus and debt pooling. Lucas Schramm and Amandine Crespy argue that the specific nature of the corona crisis reconfigured Germany’s national interests in Europe Read more