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religion and politics

October 31, 2022

🌊 Hindutva fascism threatens the world’s largest democracy

Amit Singh In India, fascism is reinventing itself. It has crept through Hindu nationalism – Hindutva – and now poses a serious threat to Indian democracy, writes Amit Singh Read more
September 23, 2022

Indian Muslim minorities suffer persecution from revived Hindu populism and nationalism

Amit Singh The hegemonic rise of Hindu nationalism and Hindu populism in India has trapped Indian Muslim minorities. The secular Indian state appears to be developing into a Hindu authoritarian state, and one where violence against Muslims is normalised, argues Amit Singh Read more
June 17, 2022

How the Coalition for Quebec's Future changed the game on Québécois nationalism

Adam Stokes Québécois politics has been undergoing a dramatic change since 2018. The emergence of the ‘Coalition for Quebec’s Future’ (CAQ) has smashed the existing Liberal/Parti Québécois duopoly in the province and sidelined the issue of Quebec’s sovereignty in favour of cultural issues, writes Adam Stokes Read more
March 18, 2022

How Israel manages its democratic deficit

Niva Golan-Nadir Niva Golan-Nadir examines the diverse strategies state institutions use to manage unpopular policies while keeping the core of those policies intact. In Israel, citizens are only partially content with government measures to meet their demands. Crucially, however, Israelis are satisfied enough to prevent civil pressure on state institutions Citizens in modern democratic states enjoy civil […] Read more
November 29, 2021

Sudan’s army is at a stalemate, and the costs are mounting

Hager Ali A military coup on 25 October put an abrupt end to Sudan’s fragile democratic transition. Hager Ali argues that although the coup pre-empted a foreseeable power-transfer, the military also created a much bigger problem for itself. The same socio-political conditions that kept al-Bashir in power for decades now threaten the military’s capacity to govern Read more
October 7, 2021

Religion still counts at the ballot box – and that won’t change any time soon

Raul Gomez Decades of secularisation have not done away with the influence of religion on party choice in Western Europe. To understand this, argues Raul Gomez, we need to look at how parties mobilised religion in the past, and how that still lingers among voters today Read more
October 1, 2021

People with a civic European identity are more likely to support EU cohesion policy

Nicholas Charron Citizens across Europe identify with Europe in different ways. Those with a civic conception of what it means to ‘be European’ are more supportive of sharing resources across borders. Those that identify with Europe based on religion are much more sceptical, write Nicholas Charron and Monika Bauhr Read more
September 1, 2021

Tunisia’s democracy is under challenge, but not under threat

Hager Ali Over recent weeks, Western pundits have been quick to claim recent events in Tunisia are evidence of a ‘failed democracy experiment’. But Hager Ali and Ameni Mehrez argue that the protests are more a testament to democratic resilience than failure Read more

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