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September 16, 2022

Nostalgia and anti-nostalgia in the Brexit narrative

Francesca Melhuish We often consider nostalgia – the emotional sense that things were better in the past – as the opposite of future orientation. But nostalgia’s relationship with time is more complicated. Francesca Melhuish explores this relationship as it relates to Brexit, and how it helps us to understand the emotional appeal of temporal narratives of the nation Read more
September 14, 2022

Italy’s odd turn to the right

Giovanni Capoccia The outcome of the Italian parliamentary elections, now less than two weeks away, seems a foregone conclusion. The centre-right coalition, led by Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing Brothers of Italy, will likely have a majority. What might happen after the centre-right takes power is more uncertain, says Giovanni Capoccia Read more
September 12, 2022

Democratisers vs autocratisers: Great Power competition and the path to democracy

Zarina Burkadze Promoting democracy without challenging external autocratisers and checking local democratic elites may be counterproductive, argues Zarina Burkadze. Great power competition has always had an impact on the domestic politics of small nations, and this is apparent in the conflicts and international politics of today Read more
September 6, 2022

EU democracy promotion cannot continue to remain silent on colonial crimes

Anna Khakee As long as the EU continues to silence European colonial crimes when promoting democracy and human rights in the Global South, it cannot live up to its moral promise. Instead, warns Anna Khakee, it risks perpetuating – inadvertently or otherwise – colonial-era hierarchies between civilisations and a sense of European moral superiority Read more
August 24, 2022

The Italian elections and the threat to European integration

Giovanni Capoccia The Italian right, led by the Brothers of Italy, is likely to be in government after the September 2022 elections. Despite its public statements expressing ‘full support’ for the European integration process, Giovanni Capoccia says that there are good reasons to question the exact nature of this commitment and what it means Read more
August 24, 2022

Failures in constitutional design are at the heart of the crisis in western democracies

Timothy Hellwig Timothy Hellwig explores the political crises in three European democracies (France, Italy and the UK) to argue that failures in constitutional design are at the root of their problems. These failures, moreover, are not dissimilar to those experienced in the United States, suggesting this is a current affliction of western democracies Read more
August 11, 2022

Dissatisfaction drives democratic scepticism in Eastern Europe

Kiran Auerbach What explains democratic skepticism in Central and Eastern Europe? Kiran Auerbach and Bilyana Petrova show that post-communist citizens’ low support for democracy is linked to dissatisfaction with the way democracy is practiced in their countries Read more
August 5, 2022

🌊 Orbán’s racist rhetoric: a desperate domestic power grab

Kinga Korányi Viktor Orbán’s condemned speech at Băile Tușnad marks a dangerous turn towards fascist rhetoric. But it also reveals a larger narrative overlooked by international observers. Orbán’s party could be undergoing programmatic realignment to attract support from far-right voters in a time when his party faces great insecurity, writes Kinga Koranyi Read more

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