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June 20, 2024

Experts at war: Ukraine’s wartime think tank diplomacy

Katsiaryna Lozka Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine met fierce resistance from Ukrainian political leadership, military and society. The war is being waged physically, but also in the information space, with Ukraine striving to win hearts and minds in the international community. Katsiaryna Lozka and Vera Axyonova argue that Ukrainian think tanks are important contributors to the country’s public diplomacy efforts Read more
June 10, 2024

Central Asia becomes a key strategic region for the EU

Nikola Mikovic Central Asia has traditionally been in Russia’s geopolitical orbit. However, argues Nikola Mikovic, the region has significant strategic importance, and a key role in facilitating trade between Europe and Asia. The European Union is therefore now seeking to strengthen economic, political, and security ties with Central Asian states Read more
May 15, 2024

Why terminating sanctions is more difficult than initiating them

Olga Vlasova Olga Vlasova delves into the intricacies of economic sanctions termination. Scrutinising global data and exploring historical precedents, she uncovers the complexities surrounding the lifting of sanctions, and how rarely they are lifted. Her analysis offers valuable insights for policymakers navigating the delicate balance of international relations. Read more
February 23, 2024

Russia's war in Ukraine has shifted the tone of EU digital diplomacy

Maria Merkouraki EU digital diplomacy during the Russia-Ukraine war has led to the rise of hard-power discourse, writes Maria Merkouraki. The war has disrupted traditional pro-European soft messaging, and shifted the EU's approach to digital diplomacy Read more
February 7, 2024

BRICS expansion: another sign of the world's de-westernisation?

Bernardo Jurema Bernardo Jurema places the recent BRICS expansion into appropriate historical context. It is, he argues, a project to de-westernise the world, opening up new possibilities, including de-colonialisation along the lines of previous historical attempts. It may not be everything that is needed, but it is a significant step forwards Read more
September 13, 2022

Putin’s Ukraine narrative draws on the historic role of kin-states

Aida Halilovic Aida Halilovic argues that Putin’s (flawed) narrative of his invasion of Ukraine is best understood through a historical lens. She highlights the substantial minorities who now live in non-kin states in Europe, and their place in the security landscape of Europe To understand Russia’s rhetoric, it is important to grasp the role that minorities have […] Read more
March 30, 2022

Founded for peace, spending for defence: the EU and the invasion of Ukraine

Valentina Ausserladscheider Germany's recently announced increase in defence spending reflects a broader European shift in response to the war in Ukraine. Using the concept of path dependency, Valentina Ausserladscheider believes that this shift breaks with the founding idea of peace in the European Union Read more
February 18, 2022

EU foreign policy towards China is little more than the sum of its parts

Steven Langendonk Steven Langendonk contests the idea that Brussels’ new China strategy is indicative of greater agency. Instead, he says, the EU-China relationship is firmly grounded in internal struggles. The pressure is on to manipulate member states' sentiments and to provide a new political narrative for a changing relationship. Read more

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