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climate activism

July 25, 2024

How urban climate action is fuelling populist backlash

Mahir Yazar In Germany, climate protesters are demanding diesel bans in cities. Norwegian activists are calling for the abolition of urban road tolls. But in cities across the world, writes Mahir Yazar, populists are rising up to challenge these progressive climate movements Read more
February 21, 2024

‘Democratic’ governments exploit protests to increase attacks on citizens' right to resist

Joseph Ward The rise of authoritarian politics in ‘formal democracies’ across Europe has been met with various forms of protest. Some of these movements have achieved partial success. But evidence from the UK and France suggests that neoliberal governments are harnessing such resistance to accelerate authoritarianism and hostility towards marginalised people, write Joseph Ward and Thomas Da Costa Vieira Read more
August 30, 2023

Five years of ‘Fridays for Future’: but what future is there now for the movement?

Carina Siebler Carina Siebler, Leonhard Schmidt, Lennart Schürmann and Daniel Saldivia Gonzatti examine the success and changing strategy of the Fridays for Future movement. Under the impact of the pandemic and the rise of competing protest groups, the movement is adapting its strategy to advocate for social climate policies amid a changing political landscape Read more
February 24, 2023

Five futures for digital advocacy organisations

Nina Hall Digital advocacy organisations have pioneered new strategies to mobilise people rapidly, and shape public opinion. But increasingly, they face challenges from new technologies, and complex relationships with NGOs. Nina Hall and Paola Pierri outline five potential futures for these organisations Read more
August 10, 2022

The global spread of Extinction Rebellion through mass protest

Peter Gardner Extinction Rebellion was created in 2018 by a small band of activists in Bristol, UK. By summer 2021, it was active in 79 countries across all continents bar Antarctica. Pete Gardner, Tiago Carvalho and Maria Valenstain argue that mass protest was key to the movement’s spread around the globe Read more
June 15, 2022

The invasion of Ukraine is preventing a truce in the war on nature

Ian Budge The Russian invasion of Ukraine has reduced media coverage of the political violence and turmoil elsewhere in the world caused by climate change, as well as causing a retreat on climate change policy targets by richer democracies. Ian Budge highlights what needs to be done and how Read more
May 5, 2022

COP15: biodiversity negotiations must come out of the shadows

Sandrine Maljean-Dubois Biodiversity receives less attention than climate when it comes to the challenges and accomplishments of international cooperation. Sandrine Maljean-Dubois observes that preparations for the forthcoming COP15 on biodiversity have gone largely unnoticed. And yet, the ongoing collapse of the planet's biomass is as worrying as climate change Read more
March 3, 2021

The new climate change activism is emotional, and it’s a good thing

Louise Knops The distinctiveness of the new climate change activism, writes Louise Knops, is the unlikely combination of two elements, science and emotion. These challenge deep-rooted beliefs, and introduce a new vision of climate change – and its possible resolution Read more

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