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church and state

May 3, 2024

🌊 Czech coat and Slovak cassock in illiberal movements

Natália Noskovičová Two nations, one name, divergent paths: Natália Noskovičová delves into the illiberal mobilisations of the Czech and Slovak Alliances for Family and National Marches for Life. Here, she navigates the religious and secular strategies of anti-gender movements in the heart of Europe Read more
March 18, 2022

How Israel manages its democratic deficit

Niva Golan-Nadir Niva Golan-Nadir examines the diverse strategies state institutions use to manage unpopular policies while keeping the core of those policies intact. In Israel, citizens are only partially content with government measures to meet their demands. Crucially, however, Israelis are satisfied enough to prevent civil pressure on state institutions Citizens in modern democratic states enjoy civil […] Read more
May 20, 2021

Religious freedom under attack in France

Emmanuelle Bertout Religious freedom is deteriorating in France. Laws aimed at maintaining the confessional neutrality of the French state are turning into attacks on individuals’ right to religious freedom, writes Emmanuelle Bertout In February 2021, the French National Assembly adopted the highly controversial bill Consolidating the Principles of the Republic. The Senate followed suit in April. The […] Read more
November 23, 2020

If cultural (r)evolution in Poland is inevitable, political (r)evolution must wait its turn: the protests against the near-total ban on abortion

Renata Mieńkowska-Norkiene Renata Mieńkowska-Norkiene considers the current mass protests in Poland against the near-total ban on abortion as the manifestation of a nascent cultural (r)evolution. But it doesn't necessarily signal that a political revolution is in the offing – at least not yet Read more

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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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