Lisa Janssen
Accepting electoral defeat is essential for democratic stability. Yet, amid the political polarisation that followed the storming of the US Capitol and similar events in Brazil, losers’ consent became harder to obtain. Using case studies from UK elections, Lisa Janssen explains how polarisation influences citizens’ responses to election results Read more
João Urt
Despite tremendous colonial violence from the state and settler society, Indigenous leaders in contemporary Brazil stand up to perform the authority inherited from their peoples, write João Urt and Tchella Maso. It is time to recognise their diplomatic roles as sovereign mediators between their cosmologies and the Westernised world Read more
Johanne Døhlie Saltnes
Lula’s presidential election victory in Brazil has the potential to re-set EU-Latin American relations through ratification of the EU-Mercosul agreement. Yet, writes Johanne Døhlie Saltnes, there remain competing European and Brazilian demands that must be balanced Read more
Eduardo Burkle
Bolsonaro's first term saw a decline in democracy and human rights in Brazil. Recent attacks on the media and judiciary, arguing election fraud, show how a second term for the far-right populist would only enhance Brazilian autocratisation. Democracy is on the line as the run-off elections approach, writes Eduardo Burkle Read more
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