We've found 412 articles matching your search phrase.
June 10, 2022

To what extent is democracy in decline worldwide?

Svend-Erik Skaaning
Many observers say that democracy has undergone a large-scale global decline in recent decades. However, presenting evidence differently leads us to different conclusions. This calls for increased caution and reflection among those discussing democratic trends, writes Svend-Erik Skaaning
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June 8, 2022

Comparing EKRE's strategy towards Russophone Estonians with Italy's Lega

Stefano Braghiroli
Stefano Braghiroli and Andrey Makarychev chart a change in the Estonian National Conservative Party (EKRE). Lately, it has appealed for the first time to Russian-speaking minorities – an attempt at a similar process to the League’s transformation into a national party in Italy. Unlike the Lega, though, they face the obstacle of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
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May 20, 2022

🌊 Political crisis in Pakistan: is democracy responsible?

Fizza Batool
With another Prime Minister ousted before completing his five-year term, many blame Pakistan's instability on competition for power among political parties. But Fizza Batool argues that illiberalism, not democracy, is to blame
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May 18, 2022

🦋 Reimagining democracy, one word at a time

Andreas Avgousti
Andreas Avgousti asserts that collecting democracy’s words gives us a window into the democratic imagination. He reads Jean-Paul Gagnon’s expanding database as an illustration of democratic virtues
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May 17, 2022

Welcoming evacuee neighbours in a pandemic

Phi Hong Su
What does it take to welcome evacuees as they rebuild their lives? Phi Hong Su reflects on how governance, labour markets, and ethnic communities can ease new arrivals’ resettlement in the United States —and how gaps in these contexts of reception worsen precarity
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May 10, 2022

🌊 Christian democracy is to blame for Europe’s democratic backsliding

Martino Comelli
Christian democracy is the political culture that has been the driving force behind European integration. Yet, according to Martino Comelli, it has also facilitated the democratic backsliding of some countries of central and east Europe by providing an illiberal political toolbox of narratives and policies
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May 9, 2022

Externalising refugee protection: less a vision than a mirage

Frowin Rausis
The UK’s ‘New Plan for Immigration’ allows the government to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, reflecting the latest aspiration to externalise refugee protection. Frowin Rausis and Konstantin Kreibich show that the idea is not new. Different countries have toyed with it for years – and failed consistently
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May 9, 2022

Rwanda-UK refugee deal is an insult to Africa’s integration process

Hannah Muzee
The British government's Rwanda-UK asylum deal exposes the detrimental effects of an absolute state sovereignty principle in the African Union. This principle, argues Hannah Muzee, is a major stumbling block to Africa’s desired unification objectives
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May 5, 2022

COP15: biodiversity negotiations must come out of the shadows

Sandrine Maljean-Dubois
Biodiversity receives less attention than climate when it comes to the challenges and accomplishments of international cooperation. Sandrine Maljean-Dubois observes that preparations for the forthcoming COP15 on biodiversity have gone largely unnoticed. And yet, the ongoing collapse of the planet's biomass is as worrying as climate change
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May 4, 2022

Fears of ‘majoritarian tyrannies’ are not antidemocratic but antipopulist

Andreas Schedler
Since its invention, representative democracy has been haunted by fears of 'majoritarian tyranny.' Critics have often dismissed these fears as the anti-democratic ideology of self-protective elites. Yet, Andreas Schedler argues, rather than antidemocratic, they are antipopulist, as they recognise the plurality and fallibility of the people
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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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