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Human Rights

The Tidö Agreement drags Sweden's social welfare sector into ethical crisis

October 16, 2023

Burning a holy book: the dilemma of free speech

August 18, 2023

📐 Does promoting economic and social rights impede or fuel economic growth?

June 28, 2023

Poland's new anti-Constitutional law targets the opposition ahead of forthcoming elections

June 16, 2023

🌈 Autocratic backsliding in 'gender-washing' regimes

June 7, 2023
May 31, 2023

🌊 Karnataka: a sign of hope for India's democratic backsliding

Tejendra Pratap Gautam The recent victory of the Congress party in the southern state of Karnataka is a step towards the reversal of India's democratic backsliding, writes Tejendra Pratap Gautam Read more
March 24, 2023

📐 Surveying the landscape of human rights data

Anne-Marie Brook Accurate data are needed to track human rights performance worldwide. But the range of different data sources available can be confusing, especially to non-experts. Anne-Marie Brook and Kobe Amos explain what qualities set Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) data apart Read more
March 6, 2023

🌈 Anti-feminists want to control, alter and delete women’s rights

Rebecca Sanders The reversal of Roe, bans on teaching about gender, and gunmen showing up at drag shows all are part of a trend in US and international politics. Rebecca Sanders and Laura Dudley Jenkins call it 'patriarchal populism'. They explain what patriarchal populism is, and three tactics used to undermine and attack established women’s and LGBTQ+ human rights Read more
February 13, 2023

📐 The EU needs to rethink its human rights promotion in the South Caucasus

Laura Luciani As the liberal norms promoted by the EU are fiercely contested, human rights groups in the South Caucasus face an insecure environment. Some propose alternatives to human rights promotion that challenge both the EU’s development paradigms and competing authoritarian agendas. Laura Luciani argues that we should take them seriously Read more
November 17, 2022

📐Turkey shows us why it's hard to resist human rights violations through the courts

Gabriela Patricia García García Human rights organisations in Turkey face a predicament. In using the law to confront human rights violations by the government, they then experience those violations themselves. Legal mobilisation against democratic backsliding has its limits, argues Gabriela García García Read more

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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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