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January 21, 2021

Without a strong strategic security partnership, Brexit will undermine EU and UK security

Simon Sweeney Brexit makes policing less effective and makes developing vital defence capability more difficult, write Simon Sweeney and Neil Winn. Europe needs a strategic partnership which holds Britain close to EU security and defence-related structures, while the British government and industrial interests need strong partnerships with the EU and its member states Read more
December 21, 2020

Brexit and depression: the politics of mental health

Luca Bernardi Luca Bernardi and Robert Johns explore whether clinical depression may have contributed to Brexit. The striking evidence of depression influencing political attitudes suggests that connections between the two should be more thoroughly explored, especially as they show the potential to breed political alienation Read more
December 17, 2020

Deal or No Deal won’t change Brexit's impact on the long-term EU-UK relationship – which will still have to be forged

Martin Westlake EU-UK free trade talks will open the way for a bigger debate on their long-term relationship, writes Martin Westlake. The EU will have to recognise the UK’s exceptional status and the UK will have to accept it cannot completely escape the pull of the EU’s internal market. What that means is a continued important role for the UK to play in Europe Read more
December 10, 2020

Is Brexit bringing us closer to a United Ireland?

Jon Tonge It’s popular to speak of Brexit bringing a United Ireland nearer, but the mixed nature of polling evidence, the divisions between nationalists and unionists and the limited mechanisms that can actually produce a referendum suggest that Irish unity may remain distant, writes Jonathan Tonge Read more
November 27, 2020

A deal built to last post-Brexit? The sustainability of the new UK-EU relationship

Andrew Glencross A UK-EU free trade agreement can attenuate the sovereignty debate that spawned Brexit, writes Andrew Glencross. But Brexit will replace an institutionally robust relationship with one that is far more sensitive to public opinion and political partisanship Read more
October 1, 2020

Voting once or voting twice? The case for double referendums

Richard Rose Many referendums concern a decision in principle from which must follow a detailed implementation plan. In such cases, argues Richard Rose, good democratic practice demands a second referendum giving voters the option to change their mind Read more
October 1, 2020

A cocktail of Brexit and Covid-19 could yet be decisive for the achievement of Scottish independence

Stuart A Brown Scottish independence voters in the 2014 referendum refused to accept the UK government’s position that this was a ‘once in a generation’ opportunity. Six years on and a second referendum is back on the agenda, writes Stuart Brown Read more

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