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February 3, 2022

Covid-19 disinformation: how smaller untruths can be more infectious than hard lies

Michael Hameleers Michael Hameleers explains his team's experimental results: that COVID-19 disinformation is most credible – and dangerous – when it stays close to objective facts. This in turn has implications for how disinformation can be countered. Read more
February 2, 2022

State-building prior to democratisation does not enhance economic development

Haakon Gjerløw In a new book, Haakon Gjerløw, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Tore Wig and Matthew C. Wilson challenge conventional wisdom. Building state institutions before democratisation does not help long-term economic development, after all Read more
January 29, 2022

🦋 A rigorous debate on intra-disciplinary boundaries and democracy

Gergana Dimova In the 🦋 Science of Democracy series, Jean-Paul Gagnon has started an intra-disciplinary debate between democratic theory and comparative politics. The reasons to overcome this disciplinary clash are better than the reasons to embrace it, writes Gergana Dimova Read more
January 28, 2022

A second 'Pink Tide’ rises in Latin America, but will it last?

Valesca Lima The advance of left-wing, progressive parties in Latin America is driven by the mismanagement of the pandemic, the economic crisis, and the failure of right-wing populism in the region, observes Valesca Lima Read more
January 28, 2022

How do populists make their decisions?

Fred Paxton Italian populists’ focus on ‘the will of the people’ has frequently contradicted their ideological priorities towards migration, Fred Paxton and Andrea Pettrachin find. The perception of local attitudes to immigration and issue salience are the determining factors in how populists in local government make their decisions Read more
January 24, 2022

🦋 Selection: the key to studying democracy and innovation

Frank Hendriks Jean-Paul Gagnon takes biology as a model but overlooks that it is driven by variation as well as selection. The study of it, therefore, is sensitive to both. The study of democracy and innovation must be too, asserts Frank Hendriks Read more
January 21, 2022

The hasty withdrawal of the US leaves women’s rights in Afghanistan at risk

Farooq Yousaf Farooq Yousaf and Bilquees Daud highlight the significant risk to women’s rights caused by the failure of the United States to include women in the so-called ‘peace deal’ signed with a male-dominated Taliban. As a consequence, the signs of regression immediately appeared in Afghanistan, and constitute a real threat. Read more
January 20, 2022

Cooperating to understand EU cooperation

Jasper Bongers To facilitate interdisciplinary communication and deepen our shared understanding of European cooperation dynamics, Jasper Bongers, Lynn Hillary & Guus Wieman have developed the concept of aligning rulesets. Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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