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May 9, 2022

Rwanda-UK refugee deal is an insult to Africa’s integration process

Hannah Muzee The British government's Rwanda-UK asylum deal exposes the detrimental effects of an absolute state sovereignty principle in the African Union. This principle, argues Hannah Muzee, is a major stumbling block to Africa’s desired unification objectives Read more
May 6, 2022

♟️ Autocracies with adjectives: we need better typologies of authoritarian regimes

Hager Ali The study of regime types, Hager Ali argues, is imbalanced. Theories and concepts of democracy have received attention for decades. But amid the resurgence of autocracies, scholars of authoritarianism still do not have the luxury of nuanced typologies to dissect the broad spectrum of non-democratic regimes Read more
May 5, 2022

COP15: biodiversity negotiations must come out of the shadows

Sandrine Maljean-Dubois Biodiversity receives less attention than climate when it comes to the challenges and accomplishments of international cooperation. Sandrine Maljean-Dubois observes that preparations for the forthcoming COP15 on biodiversity have gone largely unnoticed. And yet, the ongoing collapse of the planet's biomass is as worrying as climate change Read more
May 4, 2022

Fears of ‘majoritarian tyrannies’ are not antidemocratic but antipopulist

Andreas Schedler Since its invention, representative democracy has been haunted by fears of 'majoritarian tyranny.' Critics have often dismissed these fears as the anti-democratic ideology of self-protective elites. Yet, Andreas Schedler argues, rather than antidemocratic, they are antipopulist, as they recognise the plurality and fallibility of the people Read more
May 3, 2022

🦋 I classify, therefore I know?

Leonardo Fiorespino Leonardo Fiorespino finds Jean-Paul Gagnon’s proposed lexicon of democracy wanting in its base assumptions around knowledge and arbitrariness. Moreover, he wonders, can we really trust 'democracy's words'? Read more
May 3, 2022

Macron’s re-election and the continuing demise of the French Fifth Republic

Alistair Cole Incumbent French President Macron has been re-elected for a second five-year term. This is not a simple success story, Alistair Cole argues. The election revealed disturbing trends in French democracy. Read more
April 27, 2022

Coronavirus restrictions: fear is no substitute for trust

Ben Seyd Can policymakers expect people to comply with official health restrictions out of fear rather than because they trust the government? Ben Seyd suggests the answer is no. Governments still need trust to motivate citizens to comply with important collective rules. Read more
April 21, 2022

🦋 How to overcome democratic gridlock

Pablo Ouziel Today, democratic imaginaries are diluted while parochial understandings of democracy are presented as universal. Such a state of affairs, argues Pablo Ouziel, calls for a deeply diverse speaking-with multilogue amongst democratic traditions Read more

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