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European Integration

March 29, 2021

The Conference on the Future of Europe lacks a clear conception of democratic authorisation

Markus Patberg The Conference on the Future of Europe aims to produce proposals for EU ureform in a participatory manner. Yet, writes Markus Patberg, its setup suggests top-down steering, and lacks a clear conception of democratic authorisation. The envisaged forms of broad but unsystematic inclusion might even be counterproductive to the declared goal of empowering citizens Read more
March 26, 2021

After the 2021 Dutch general election, can Volt become a genuine pan-European force?

Benjamin Leruth A new European party, Volt, debuted in the Tweede Kamer following last week's Dutch elections. The party faces challenges, but it could play a role in domestic political landscapes throughout Europe, writes Benjamin Leruth Read more
March 12, 2021

Why has the European Court of Justice shifted toward a more restrictive position on access to welfare in member states?

Angie Gago From 2014, ECJ decisions on welfare access have departed significantly from previous case law. Angie Gago and Francesco Maiani analyse two Court dialogues, one with the EU legislator, the other with national authorities Read more
February 25, 2021

Mario Draghi has bigger ambitions than just seeing Italy through to the next general election

Sergio Fabbrini Although appointed unexpectedly, Mario Draghi is much more than just a stop-gap, technocratic Prime Minister. Sergio Fabbrini argues that Draghi's vision for Europe could make Italy one of the key voices in the European debate Read more
February 16, 2021

If we really want to reform EU migration policies, we should look to the public

Danilo Di Mauro The refugee crisis has led to changes in EU migration policy management. But effective reform of the so-called Dublin System that could resolve the crisis has so far eluded the EU. To understand the prospects for change, Danilo di Mauro and Vincenzo Memoli argue that we should examine how public opinion influences political parties, and elites Read more
February 2, 2021

How national politicians in Europe care about European citizens – and why this matters now more than ever

Lucy Kinski National politicians in Europe represent their own citizens, but they also consider the concerns of fellow European citizens when making decisions on EU politics, writes Lucy Kinski. Many do not believe that a national focus will solve our common problems, and neither should we Read more
January 29, 2021

Joe Biden will balance security interests and the rule of law in Central and Eastern Europe

Veronica Anghel Under the Biden administration, the EU stands to have an ally against authoritarian tendencies in some Central and Eastern European countries writes Veronica Anghel. But US involvement will not be transformative Read more
January 15, 2021

Youth unemployment in the Western Balkans is fuelling Europe’s highest emigration rate

Gala Naseva A lack of state initiatives to curb unemployment among young people in the Western Balkans has resulted in the highest emigration rate in Europe, writes Gala Naseva — and the pandemic is making matters worse for this vulnerable group Read more

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