The Loop marks ECPR’s leap into the political science blogosphere with, we hope, a splash!
This blogsite is, first and foremost, for you, our members. It is an exciting new forum in which to exchange ideas – and it will get your research noticed by a readership beyond academe.
ECPR is the biggest political science association in Europe, encompassing tens of thousands of scholars at several hundred member institutions. The Loop is an essential meeting point for engagement between between these political scientists and the wider world.
The Loop will disseminate cutting-edge political science analysis, realising greater levels of influence for academics in government and public life.
We seek to foster debate on all topics connected to political science, including political philosophy and theory, comparative politics, international relations and political science methodology. Contributions will focus on recent research findings, discuss research in progress, or convey newsworthy information resting on contributors’ professional expertise.
The Loop will disseminate cutting-edge political science analysis
As editors, we will ensure that The Loop contributes to the conversation on societal challenges by preserving an analytical focus. Today’s media environment, demanding simplified and reductionist arguments, risks curbing the propagation of analytical-scientific research. But this also opens up opportunities for the unique format of academic blogs – and that's where The Loop will contribute with innovative analyses.
The Loop is an academic commentary, but it is open and within the reach of all. Our contributors will convey simple and complex arguments in a way that's accessible to everyone, reaching out to
The Loop is an academic commentary, but it is open and within the reach of all
It is often said that there is more than one side to every story. In academia, scholars argue over the correct interpretation and explanation of empirical facts. One expert’s interpretation can be challenged by another.
Maintaining these disagreements as a driver of knowledge and of our discipline, The Loop will be a platform for ‘conversations’ between researchers with competing perspectives – and discussions that may often get lost behind paywalls will now be visible to a broader readership.
So we hope that you will become not just a reader but a contributor, too! For advice on how to submit, read our guidelines for authors, then complete our pitch form and sell us your idea in no more than 150 words.
Johanne Døhlie Saltnes and Martin J. Bull
Editors, The Loop