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March 20, 2025

Europe and changing transatlantic relations

Stella Ladi Relations between the EU and US are undergoing tumultuous change. Based on what we know from previous existential crises, the EU will coordinate its response to changing transatlantic relations using informal mechanisms and a pragmatic approach. Stella Ladi argues the EU must now develop a strategy for navigating this unfamiliar environment Read more
March 22, 2024

How trade matters for political outcomes

Andreas Dür Andreas Dür and Robert A. Huber argue that (changes in) trade flows and regions’ economic structures matter for political outcomes. Regions’ trade competitiveness affects both legislators’ trade attitudes and incumbents’ re-election chances Read more
November 8, 2023

Prospects for a Mercosur-EU Association Agreement grow dimmer

Juan Cruz Díaz Long-running negotiations between the European Union and Mercosur, aimed at forming an Association Agreement and liberalising trade, have faced numerous hurdles. As the December deadline for signature approaches, doubts loom over the pact’s future, write Juan Cruz Díaz and Carlos José Cruz Infante Read more
January 13, 2022

The EU narrative around trade with Vietnam

Camille Nessel EU trade policy is widely contested by the public. Their concern: the danger of prioritising neoliberal economic interests over citizens' human rights. Yet, write Camille Nessel and Elke Verhaeghe, the EU was able to avoid mass protest by creating an ethical narrative around its trade negotiations with authoritarian Vietnam Read more
January 4, 2022

The unmaking of developing countries' special rights in global trade politics

Till Schöfer So-called 'developing countries' enjoy special rights in world trade. But it is the countries themselves that decide whether they want developing-country status, undermining the legitimcy of the system. Till Schöfer and Clara Weinhardt suggest three ways out of the developed-developing country stalemate Read more
December 18, 2020

Emerging powers want more staff in international organisations. They have a long way to go, unless there is an alternative…

Michal Parízek Secretariats of international organisations have long favoured staff from developed, Western countries. Rising powers are trying to change this, though with mixed success, they are now looking at other ways to achieve their goals, write Michal Parízek and Matthew Stephen Read more
December 17, 2020

Deal or No Deal won’t change Brexit's impact on the long-term EU-UK relationship – which will still have to be forged

Martin Westlake EU-UK free trade talks will open the way for a bigger debate on their long-term relationship, writes Martin Westlake. The EU will have to recognise the UK’s exceptional status and the UK will have to accept it cannot completely escape the pull of the EU’s internal market. What that means is a continued important role for the UK to play in Europe Read more
November 27, 2020

A deal built to last post-Brexit? The sustainability of the new UK-EU relationship

Andrew Glencross A UK-EU free trade agreement can attenuate the sovereignty debate that spawned Brexit, writes Andrew Glencross. But Brexit will replace an institutionally robust relationship with one that is far more sensitive to public opinion and political partisanship Read more

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