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July 18, 2024

🔮 Feminist mobilisation, sexism, and radical-right support in Spain

Eva Anduiza Eva Anduiza and Guillem Rico argue that sexist attitudinal backlash is partially responsible for the rise of the Spanish radical populist right. The electoral consequences of changes in sexist attitudes seem to be related more to heightened feminist mobilisation than to the increasing visibility and normalisation of the radical right Read more
May 16, 2024

🔮 Do European left-wing populists in government become more moderate?

Jan Philipp Thomeczek Jan Philipp Thomeczek argues that European left-wing populist parties become more moderate as a consequence of their participation in government. Here, he draws on recent examples from Spain, Greece and Germany. Read more
March 8, 2024

♀️ Fewer women than men in parties’ youth wings want to run for office

Sofia Ammassari Youth wings of political parties are a key part of the pipeline to power. However, among their members, fewer women than men would consider running for public office. According to Sofia Ammassari, if we want to redress women’s underrepresentation in parliaments, youth wings are a good place to start Read more
March 5, 2024

♀️ Why a gender-balanced parliament is no guarantee of equality

Ragnhild Louise Muriaas Women have made great strides towards equal representation in parliaments across the world. Their short parliamentary careers, however, still stop them from representing their constituents as effectively as men colleagues, write Ragnhild L. Muriaas and Torill Stavenes, guest editors of The Loop’s blog series to mark International Women’s Day on Friday 8 March Read more
February 26, 2024

How the Catalan independence crisis shaped language and meanings in the Spanish press

José Javier Olivas Osuna Political struggles, such as the Catalan secessionist movement, alter and shape the meaning of political concepts, writes José Javier Olivas Osuna Read more
November 22, 2023

Divided by sovereignty claims – territorial identity and societal polarisation

Laia Balcells Laia Balcells, Lesley-Ann Daniels, and Alexander Kuo highlight the role of contentious territorial issues in shaping societal divisions. They study three European regions —Scotland, Catalonia, and Northern Ireland — that have salient territorial claims but very different histories. All three, however, exhibit striking similarities in levels of social polarisation Read more
October 10, 2023

Gender (in)equality in socioeconomic participation at substate levels in Italy and Spain

Alexandra Tomaselli Substate laws and policies may play a key role in promoting or hindering the socioeconomic participation of those who face intersectional discrimination. Alexandra Tomaselli examines how women and LGBTQIA+ individuals cope with their access to work, education, and services in South Tyrol and Catalonia Read more
August 2, 2023

A bitter victory and a sweet defeat: Spain’s general election

Ana Mar Fernández Pasarín Ana Mar Fernández Pasarín and Asbel Bohigues continue the Loop's coverage of Spain's 23 July general election, analysing the results and the (im)possible parliamentary alliances. They highlight that the left has a chance to continue in government but that a repetition of the election is not implausible Read more

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