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March 25, 2025

How social media and online communities influence climate change beliefs

James Rice In an era of misinformation and political polarisation, climate science is under siege. James Rice explores how social and political forces shape climate beliefs, arguing for a strategic, interdisciplinary approach to strengthening environmental communication and trust Read more
February 12, 2025

Does good evidence make good policies?

Giuseppe Cannata Evidence-informed policy-making promises to deliver better policies. Yet, people working at the science-policy interface in Europe face multiple challenges in making the most of it โ€“ from political constraints to a lack of administrative capacity and limited opportunity for productive exchange. Giuseppe Cannata discusses these challenges and their normative implications for European science-for-policy ecosystems Read more
September 16, 2022

Nostalgia and anti-nostalgia in the Brexit narrative

Francesca Melhuish We often consider nostalgia โ€“ the emotional sense that things were better in the past โ€“ as the opposite of future orientation. But nostalgiaโ€™s relationship with time is more complicated. Francesca Melhuish explores this relationship as it relates to Brexit, and how it helps us to understand the emotional appeal of temporal narratives of the nation Read more
March 15, 2021

Covid-19 has been a double-edged sword for experts โ€“ with worrying consequences for democracy

Mirko Heinzel The pandemic has led to an increase in experts' authority โ€“ yet substantial contestation of their expertise, write Mirko Heinzel and Andrea Liese. This polarisation poses a risk for proper public deliberation and the fight against Covid Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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Advancing Political Science
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