Adrian Favero
How much do national political parties in Europe try to reach citizens who live abroad? Traditionally, party organisations operated within state borders but the increasing mobility of national citizens requires new forms of interconnectedness. A transnational arena has emerged in which parties connect external citizens with domestic politics to secure votes, writes Adrian Favero Read more
Miroslav Nemčok
Postal voting is praised for its ability to lower the costs of electoral participation. However, Miroslav Nemčok and Johanna Peltoniemi argue that postal voting has its limits. If voters doubt their ballots will make it to the ballot box uncompromised, they are unlikely to exercise their democratic right Read more
Carolina Plescia
Interest in postal voting has increased during the pandemic as a means to avoid in-person contact. But exactly who is choosing to vote by mail? Carolina Plescia, Semra Sevi and André Blais find that the biggest cleavage in US citizen preferences about how to vote is generational, not ideological Read more
The Loop
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