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political theory

August 3, 2023

🦋 Herman Melville’s ruthless democracy

Jennifer Greiman Herman Melville’s 'ruthless democracy' is a creative performance, argues Jennifer Greiman, which guides Melville’s experimental prose and poetry. This sought to reimagine democratic relations, possibilities, and ways of being as matters for aesthetic thought and work – with strong implications for political theory Read more
July 21, 2023

How income inequality threatens democracy

Simon Bienstman Income inequality threatens democracy by depressing trust in political institutions. To better understand why, Simon Bienstman, Svenja Hense, and Markus Gangl argue that we should pay attention to inequality’s negative effect on citizens’ evaluations of the democratic process Read more
July 12, 2023

🦋 Towards the DNA code of democracy

Janusz Ruszkowski The most important thing for democracy is to establish a catalogue of its constant, repeatable and inalienable features – the so-called DNA of democracy. Such a DNA code could no longer be manipulated or diluted, because nothing without it could be called democracy, writes Janusz Ruszkowski Read more
July 10, 2023

🔮 The myth of the irrational populist

Paul D. Kenny Scholars and pundits – few of whom are populist supporters themselves – like nothing more than to point out the seeming foolishness of populism. However, Paul Kenny argues, there is also frequently a rational explanation behind their choices. Populist voters may be a lot of things, but they are not irrational Read more
June 26, 2023

🦋 Democratising militant democracy?

Patrick Nitzschner In crisis. Regressing. Dying. Such unsettling assessments of democracy’s current state have sparked renewed interest in militant democracy – the justifiable repression of anti-democrats. Given the idea’s troubled history, Patrick Nitzscner welcomes attempts to place militant interventions on a securely democratic footing, but remains sceptical of their likely success Read more
June 15, 2023

🔮 What populism… is not!

Davide Vittori Populist parties have gained significant electoral successes in recent years. But Davide Vittori shows that populism is not everywhere, even in public opinion. We are in danger of simplifying what populism is, and assuming that all anti-establishment phenomena are 'populist', when they are not Read more
June 8, 2023

🔮 Not everyone can be a populist: the ideological boundaries of populism

Stijn van Kessel Mattia Zulianello and Petra Guasti are right to point out that populism is too often conflated with nativist politics or seen as a feature of radical left and right-wing parties only. Nonetheless, Stijn van Kessel argues that populism is not equally compatible with any host ideology Read more
May 26, 2023

🦋 Bhimrao Ambedkar as theorist of democracy

Scott R. Stroud Bhimrao Ambedkar was many things, and is often known as a political activist and an anti-caste thinker. In addition, Scott R. Stroud positions Ambedkar as a theorist of democracy who extends the pragmatist tradition Read more

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