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organized crime

April 15, 2024

Oligarchic defects of democracy in Colombia

Jan Boesten Colombians are growing increasingly frustrated at their government's failure to produce progressive advances. This failure signals a peculiar democratic deficit: oligarchic modes of rule. Jan Boesten, Lerber Dimas, Daniel Llanos Ramírez and William Mesa argue that oligarchy offers new insights into Latin America's democratic delinquents Read more
January 2, 2024

Latin American organised crime is changing the European landscape

Ludmila Quirós Ludmila Quirós argues that the growing infiltration of Latin American criminal actors into EU territory is seriously undermining the bloc's security and radically changing organised crime in Europe Read more
October 23, 2023

New forms of imported gang violence in Chile

Shauna N. Gillooly New forms of violence are appearing in Chile. These incidents, and the struggles for control between warring gangs that they reflect, are likely being imported from Columbia. Shauna N. Gillooly says this is the result of new migration patterns and a reconfiguration in transnational drug trafficking Read more
April 26, 2023

Women in organised crime: giving a voice to crucial players

Felia Allum Felia Allum argues that to fully understand organised crime groups, we should listen to women's voices. To recognise women's active agency, we must move beyond the master narrative that sees them as victims, or as an irrelevance Read more
July 16, 2021

Exploiting migrants can help criminal groups expand to new countries

Gemma Dipoppa The emergence of criminal organisations has been blamed on state weakness. But recent trends in organised crime expansion show that criminal groups often move to states with strong economies and institutions. As mafias establish permanent roots in new countries, Gemma Dipoppa suggests that migrant exploitation might play an important role Read more
June 15, 2021

Bloodthirsty Brazilian police have redefined what it means to be a criminal

Fernanda Barasuol Police brutality is not new in Brazil. But the shocking events at Jacarezinho are also symptomatic of rising conservative politics in the country, write Fernanda Barasuol and Thiago Borne Read more
September 30, 2020

Covid-19 through the lens of a mafia scholar

Felia Allum Felia Allum draws curious and interesting parallels between Covid-19 and Italian mafias – in the nature of the threats they pose, and the ability of states and societies to confront them Read more

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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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