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September 26, 2024

Russia-friendly parties are manipulating Europe's traumatic past

Polina Zavershinskaia Russia-friendly parties are exploiting Europe’s war-torn past to justify Russia’s aggression and undermine Europe’s support for Ukraine. Polina Zavershinskaia argues that there is evidence in Germany and Italy that the strategy is working. Read more
May 10, 2024

🔮 Why Italian political parties use populist rhetoric on social media

Andrea Ceron Analysing posts on Facebook and Twitter-X, Andrea Ceron, Silvia Decadri, and Fedra Negri highlight how Italian politicians use populist rhetoric to generate engagement. They find that such rhetoric does indeed increase the likelihood of posts going viral, even among non-populist voters Read more
March 21, 2023

🔮 Three die-hard myths about populism

Mattia Zulianello Mattia Zulianello and Petra Guasti explore and rebut three die-hard myths about populism. This, they argue, on the one hand guards against overestimating populism as a phenomenon. On the other, it warns that we must not underestimate the political strength of the so-called populist radical right Read more
November 22, 2022

The disunity of the Italian centre-left opposition on Ukraine

Valerio Alfonso Bruno Russia’s war on Ukraine has split the Italian centre-left opposition between pacifists and those arguing in favour of arming Ukraine. Disunity on how to respond to the crisis, write Valerio Alfonso Bruno, James F. Downes and Alessio Scopelliti, will likely weaken these parties and strengthen Meloni's right-wing coalition Read more
September 30, 2022

Italian general election: the far right sweeps to power under Giorgia Meloni

Giovanni Capoccia The Italian general election produced a clear majority for the right-wing coalition headed by the Brothers of Italy, following a significant shift of votes within the coalition. The parties of the centre-left failed to forge an electoral alliance to stop the right. The political landscape remains volatile, says Giovanni Capoccia Read more
February 4, 2022

Italy elects a new President – by re-electing an old one

Bill Emmott Italy has just elected a new President – by giving the incumbent, Sergio Mattarella, a second term of office. An outbreak of ‘business as usual'? No, says Bill Emmott – the election has exposed deep divisions in party politics which could have ramifications for government stability Read more
January 28, 2022

How do populists make their decisions?

Fred Paxton Italian populists’ focus on ‘the will of the people’ has frequently contradicted their ideological priorities towards migration, Fred Paxton and Andrea Pettrachin find. The perception of local attitudes to immigration and issue salience are the determining factors in how populists in local government make their decisions Read more
February 23, 2021

Mario Draghi’s governing bandwagon has been voted in. Expect a bumpy ride

Daniele Albertazzi Mario Draghi’s new government enjoys broad support in both Italian parliamentary chambers. But Matteo Salvini's League is likely to make its life difficult. Daniele Albertazzi and Davide Pellegrino speculate that Salvini’s party will likely keep one foot in and one foot out of government Read more

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