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May 3, 2024

🌊 Czech coat and Slovak cassock in illiberal movements

Natália Noskovičová Two nations, one name, divergent paths: Natália Noskovičová delves into the illiberal mobilisations of the Czech and Slovak Alliances for Family and National Marches for Life. Here, she navigates the religious and secular strategies of anti-gender movements in the heart of Europe Read more
April 2, 2024

🌊 How Hungary’s so-called child protection referendum was invalidated through a grassroots campaign

Dóra Oprics Dóra Oprics explores the 2X civil society campaign in Hungary in 2022, which resulted in 1.7 million Hungarians successfully invalidating an exclusionary child protection referendum. The outcome reveals insights into the mobilising powers of grassroots activism against attempts to demonise the LGBTQIA+ community Read more
March 25, 2024

🌊 Sweden Democrats reveal their genderphobia

Clémentine Punti The Sweden Democrats have expanded their focus from immigration and crime to issues of sex and gender. Examining their discourse against drag queen readings for children, Clémentine Punti argues that this new focus reveals the party’s genderphobic nature Read more
November 9, 2023

Heteronormative policies in India and Switzerland

Anukriti Dixit The family is the first gatekeeper of conservative regimes. Now, more than ever, such regimes are gaining political mileage in the global North and global South. Anukriti Dixit explores the violence of heteronormativity and its related fundamentalist ideals through two social phenomena: the recent rise of ‘honour killing’ of queer persons in India and the rise of violence against queer and trans people in Switzerland Read more
October 10, 2023

Gender (in)equality in socioeconomic participation at substate levels in Italy and Spain

Alexandra Tomaselli Substate laws and policies may play a key role in promoting or hindering the socioeconomic participation of those who face intersectional discrimination. Alexandra Tomaselli examines how women and LGBTQIA+ individuals cope with their access to work, education, and services in South Tyrol and Catalonia Read more
August 30, 2023

Polarisation on the rise: European gender and migrant inclusion compared

Markus Thiel The inclusion of social minorities is contingent on civic activism and government policies that become more polarised as well as volatile in times of crises. Markus Thiel, Ernesto Fiocchetto and Jeffrey Maslanik delve into the state of inclusion policies throughout Europe Read more
July 31, 2023

Crackdown on Pride Walks in Turkey: homophobia and the 2023 elections

Didem Unal Abaday In Turkey, LGBTI+ events and pressures on queer people’s right to assembly face increasing restrictions. This, writes Didem Unal Abaday, will only get worse with democratic decline. In the new parliamentary term after the 2023 elections, democratic backsliding is turning political homophobia into state policy Read more
June 27, 2023

Which voters stereotype Muslim politicians as homophobic?

Sanne van Oosten We know that voters stereotype Muslim politicians as homophobic. However, they also project their own ideas about LGBTQ+ rights onto politicians. Sanne van Oosten examines which of these voter tendencies are likely to prevail with which voters, and argues that both strength and type of opinion matter Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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