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November 27, 2023

🎭 Protests in Iran show how democratic change requires solidarity

Zohreh Khoban To achieve systemic change, it is essential to connect self-transformations. By exploring the recent protests in Iran, Zohreh Khoban makes the case for social bonds created through solidarity Read more
March 3, 2023

🦋 Democracy as dissent: lessons from outside the West

Nojang Khatami There are good reasons to consider resistance a central element in any definition of democracy. Nojang Khatami invites us to look outside familiar Western experiences for resources of dissent Read more
November 2, 2022

Ukraine has asked Israel for weapons support and they might, eventually, get it

Nikola Mikovic Russian drone and missile strikes on Ukrainian critical energy infrastructure have forced Kyiv to ask Israel for help. According to Nikola Mikovic, the Jewish State could eventually start providing weapons to Ukraine, although Israeli officials will unlikely publicly confirm it Read more
November 4, 2021

Improvement in Iranian-European relations is possible – and the EU should play its part

Mahmoud Javadi Relations between Iran and Europe are in a pretty poor state. But Mahmoud Javadi argues that there are avenues for improvement through identification of 'shared interests' – and the EU can, and should, play its part Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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