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May 15, 2024

Why terminating sanctions is more difficult than initiating them

Olga Vlasova Olga Vlasova delves into the intricacies of economic sanctions termination. Scrutinising global data and exploring historical precedents, she uncovers the complexities surrounding the lifting of sanctions, and how rarely they are lifted. Her analysis offers valuable insights for policymakers navigating the delicate balance of international relations. Read more
May 1, 2024

Soft power and India’s changing approach to Israel under Modi

Lakshmy Ramakrishnan Earlier this year, construction workers from India began arriving in Israel to mitigate the country's labour shortage. The number of Indian migrant workers in Israel now looks set to reach 6,000. While this does help reduce India's unemployment rate, Lakshmy Ramakrishnan argues we should also see it as an exercise in soft power by the Modi government Read more
March 18, 2024

The democratisation of asymmetry

Alexandr Burilkov Despite the deployment of multiple Western warships to the Red Sea, Qatar has suspended deliveries from shipping company LNG to Europe as a result of Houthi attacks. This disruption of fragile Western supply chains, writes Alexandr Burilkov, comes at a time when resource-poor Europe must meet the steep costs of rearming to match the Russian military Read more
February 7, 2024

BRICS expansion: another sign of the world's de-westernisation?

Bernardo Jurema Bernardo Jurema places the recent BRICS expansion into appropriate historical context. It is, he argues, a project to de-westernise the world, opening up new possibilities, including de-colonialisation along the lines of previous historical attempts. It may not be everything that is needed, but it is a significant step forwards Read more
February 7, 2024

How NATO and the EU should confront the new ‘Axis of Evil’

Francesco Foti As the West tires of Russian hybrid warfare, Francesco Foti argues that NATO and the EU should learn from history. To avoid further damaging consequences, they must do all they can to maintain a forceful, non-compromising and united response Read more
February 6, 2024

A new axis of evil?

Albrecht Rothacher The ‘Axis of Evil’ coined by President George W. Bush is not so much redundant for Washington today as in need of descriptive expansion, argues Albrecht Rothacher. The threat of a new enlarged axis of evil is all the greater for the increasing neo-isolationism of the United States Read more
January 24, 2024

An impending world conflagration – and all the result of Western neglect

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher argues that longstanding Western neglect and weakness in the face of rising aggression from authoritarian regimes threatens worldwide conflagration. Post-1991 dreams of a new international order have been definitively shattered – and the West’s current positions do nothing to reduce the risks Read more
November 27, 2023

🎭 Protests in Iran show how democratic change requires solidarity

Zohreh Khoban To achieve systemic change, it is essential to connect self-transformations. By exploring the recent protests in Iran, Zohreh Khoban makes the case for social bonds created through solidarity Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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