Philipp Bien
When we consider national parliaments, we think of the domestic arena. However, there are rarely observed foreign dimensions to the work of national legislators. Philipp Bien, Meray Maddah and Thomas Malang argue that, through fora like the Inter-Parliamentary Union, national legislators have become an important group in international politics Read more
Michael Walsh
​​​Michael Walsh​​ argues that only ecosystem disruptors​​​ can realise the full potential of emergency medical teams. A radical reimagining of current structures would save lives and alleviate suffering in armed conflicts and other insecure environments​​ Read more
Mădălin-Cătălin Blidaru
The regional dimension of international relations is more significant today than ever before, argues Mădălin-Cătălin Blidaru. In the current crisis, regional cooperation and institutionalised regional organisations are delivering important solutions. The network of external relations being developed by regional organisations takes us beyond a state-centred world Read more
Marieke Louis
'We don’t do politics!' is a common refrain from international bureaucrats, governmental delegates and civil society representatives engaged in multilateral negotiations. Marieke Louis and Lucile Maertens take these apolitical claims seriously. In doing so, they unveil the politics of depoliticisation in international organisations Read more
The Loop
Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.