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March 19, 2025

Why Syrian refugees are unlikely to return home

Ãœmit Seven Syrian refugees face multiple challenges in returning to their homeland. The threat of violence may have ended, but the destruction of infrastructure, along with social and economic instability, make return unlikely. Ãœmit Seven shows how prolonged displacement has led many Syrians to rebuild their lives elsewhere. Many, he argues, have created a 'pragmatic home' in host countries Read more
July 30, 2021

Why modern German citizenship is more than a bundle of rights

Franziska Maier Citizenship is a contested and multifaceted concept. Yet despite their differences, all German citizens see citizenship as something more than just a legal status. Franziska Maier finds that common to all German citizens is a desire for connectivity Read more
May 14, 2021

Backlash against asylum seekers in Austria

Markus Wagner In 2015, Austria took in almost 90,000 asylum seekers – the third-highest number in Europe that year. The government housed asylum seekers in areas with little experience in welcoming refugees. These areas subsequently saw a backlash against refugees in particular, and immigrants and Muslims in general, write Markus Wagner and Lukas Rudolph Read more
January 12, 2021

Pastoral power and Turkey’s art of governing its diaspora in Europe

Chiara Maritato Turkey is upping its game in terms of exercising ‘pastoral power’ over its diaspora communities abroad, aiming to turn them into loyal and disciplined subjects who accept the government’s nationalist discourse, writes Chiara Maritato Read more
December 15, 2020

How cities and regions are turning immigrants into citizens – whatever central governments may think

Verena Wisthaler Regions and cities worldwide are increasingly engaging in immigrant integration policy making, challenging or complementing central and federal governments’ policies, and turning immigrants into citizens, writes Verena Wisthaler Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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