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higher education

July 11, 2024

Being part of international relations: academics moving abroad 

Ruairidh Brown The International University Campus is a site of relationality, write Ruairidh J Brown and Kerstin Tomiak. It a space of cultural and political interchange and creation of co-constituted knowledge. This challenges the traditional view in International Relations of Higher Education as a mere tool of soft power. Read more
May 22, 2023

⛓️ Why we must resist illiberalism’s attacks on higher education

Andrea Pető Andrea Pető is a gender scholar formerly based at Central European University in Budapest. Following crackdowns on gender studies by Viktor Orbán's government in Hungary, her institution has been forced into exile in Vienna. Here, Andrea breaks down illiberal leaders' specific strategies to undermine academic freedom, and offers suggestions for how academics, and citizens, can resist illiberal attacks on higher education Read more
August 15, 2022

🦋 The critical pedagogy of democracy in dark times

Henry Giroux Henry Giroux takes stock of the sciences of the democracies to argue that they offer helpful tools to contest the neoliberalisation of education and the teaching of democracy. The words of democracy, the ideas imbued in them, are vital resources for an age characterised by the desertification of public spheres Read more
October 18, 2021

Small-scale social movements don't make news, but can influence higher education policy

Didem Türkoğlu Massive student protests attract media attention, but less globally televised protests might also help shape policy-making, writes Didem Türkoğlu. Even lesser-known movements can build alliances and put pressure on opposition parties to 'own' activists' issues. To trace these influences, however, we must pay closer attention to local and national news Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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