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August 14, 2024

Emergency room abortions in the US: doctors’ objections trump patients’ lives

Payton Gannon It is now two years since the fall of Roe v. Wade. How has this affected healthcare for pregnant Americans? Payton Gannon and Danielle Pullan explain the most recent Supreme Court cases, and contextualise them within the broader global discussion on conscientious objection and religion in healthcare Read more
June 21, 2023

AI health in the Nordic countries: privatisation, unmet promises, and limited participation

Jason Tucker Are recent technological developments in artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionary, calamitous, something in between? Are they inevitable, spontaneous, unpredictable? Jason Tucker examines states who actively shape developments in AI health. The challenge is bringing the public back into decision-making in these developments Read more
August 2, 2022

Is the EU any more progressive on abortion policy than post-Roe America?

Danielle Pullan SCOTUS recently overturned the federal right to abortion, leaving many open questions about the future of abortion policy, both in the US and around the globe. Danielle Pullan compares the new post-Roe abortion policy landscape in the US to the current state of abortion governance in Europe, highlighting its similarity to the EU’s approach Read more
May 21, 2021

'I can't breathe!' – but this time, it's India

Vittorio Bufacchi India is the seventh-richest country in the world. Yet it recently recorded the highest-ever daily death toll from Covid-19. It's a disaster, write Vittorio Bufacchi and Urmi Bhattacharyya, caused by India’s gross inequalities, along with misguided political decisions and policies throughout the country's pandemic response Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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