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free speech

June 18, 2024

⛓️ Scholarly societies and political crises: the case for neutrality as academic freedom

Hana Kubátová Political statements hinder the difficult conversations central to the mission of institutions of higher learning and scholarly associations. When institutions like ECPR speak collectively on political controversies, Hana Kubátová argues, they take academic freedom away from individual scholars and their dissenting views. Now is the time for institutional neutrality Read more
January 11, 2024

Denmark has banned the burning of holy books to protect its multicultural society

Azher Hameed Qamar Denmark recently adopted a law to ban inappropriate treatment of any writing or object with religious significance – a peace initiative in the best interests of a multicultural society. Azher Hameed Qamar sees this law as a step towards freedom of expression that will also help bridge social divides Read more
August 18, 2023

Burning a holy book: the dilemma of free speech

Azher Hameed Qamar Sweden has seen several Quran-burning incidents, which can reinforce anti-religious discourses and politicised campaigns against religious minorities. It can also put Swedish multicultural harmony at risk. Laws permitting this must be interpreted in the best interest of the people and their holistic well-being, argues Azher Hameed Qamar Read more
October 28, 2022

A second Bolsonaro term could be the point of no return for Brazilian democracy

Eduardo Burkle Bolsonaro's first term saw a decline in democracy and human rights in Brazil. Recent attacks on the media and judiciary, arguing election fraud, show how a second term for the far-right populist would only enhance Brazilian autocratisation. Democracy is on the line as the run-off elections approach, writes Eduardo Burkle Read more
March 24, 2022

🌊 Anti-democratic or exclusionary? Illiberalism's undertows matter

Jasper T. Kauth Not all illiberalisms are the same, argues Jasper T. Kauth. While anti-democratic, disruptive illiberalism and anti-liberal, ideological illiberalism may act simultaneously, analysing them individually will help us identify drivers of this phenomenon. Read more
January 12, 2022

China’s approach to the pandemic exposes its democratic deficit to the public glare

Rongxin Li China has adopted a zero-case approach to the coronacrisis. But, writes Rongxin Li, China’s policies, while claiming to be in the interests of its citizens, show a lack of democratic anchoring, sacrificing civil rights and procedural justice Read more
April 1, 2021

Amid the pandemic Bolsonaro intimidates critics with dictatorship-era law

Eduardo Burkle President Jair Bolsonaro faces criticism from the media and civil society for his disastrous response to the pandemic. Reviving National Security Law to intimidate critics is more than a nod to Brazil's authoritarian past, writes Eduardo Burkle Read more
September 30, 2020

How suppression in the workplace can affect political participation

Bram Geurkink Workplaces can be an important training ground for democratic behaviour and attitudes – but many are ruled by suppressive supervisors. Bram Geurkink, Agnes Akkerman and Roderick Sluiter argue that suppressing workers from voicing their concerns can have lasting effects on the democratic societies of which they are a part Read more

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