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August 8, 2023

How do French and German voters view arms exports?

Lukas Rudolph The war in Ukraine has focussed attention on public attitudes to arms exports. New research by Lukas Rudolph, Markus Freitag, and Paul Thurner finds that in France and Germany, while a small minority is in principled opposition, a large majority makes nuanced trade-offs when articulating their positions on the issue of arms exports Read more
August 1, 2023

Citizen participation and social protest in transnational megaprojects

Mattia Bottino Participatory governance in megaprojects is intended to involve citizens in the decision-making processes and tackle their disaffection towards institutions. Mattia Bottino analyses the ‘proximity strategy’ used to realise the Brenner Basistunnel between Italy and Austria and contrasts it with the NO TAV experience in Italy’s Susa Valley Read more
July 25, 2023

Sovereignist claims in France and Italy

Luca Carrieri ‘Sovereignism’ has been characterised as a product of globalisation and Europeanisation, presumably as an (over)reaction to the perceived negative consequences of both. Luca Carrieri and Nicolò Conti's research shows that party supply on sovereignism has been strongly influenced by public demand Read more
June 27, 2023

Which voters stereotype Muslim politicians as homophobic?

Sanne van Oosten We know that voters stereotype Muslim politicians as homophobic. However, they also project their own ideas about LGBTQ+ rights onto politicians. Sanne van Oosten examines which of these voter tendencies are likely to prevail with which voters, and argues that both strength and type of opinion matter Read more
April 28, 2023

⛓️ Islamo-leftism in French universities: a dangerous chimera

Nonna Mayer Academic freedom is not only at risk in authoritarian regimes. The recent governmental crusade against 'islamo-leftism' in French universities shows it can happen in democracies, too. Nonna Mayer goes back to the origins of the campaign. Here, she analyses the political instrumentalisation of a term intended to intimidate social scientists Read more
March 27, 2023

Macron’s gamble on pensions reform

Giovanni Capoccia The French President has pushed through his signature reform of the French pensions system against widespread opposition. Yet, argues Giovanni Capoccia, the fight is not over, and the stakes are high – and not just for France Read more
September 13, 2022

The decline of Brazil’s foreign policy and international status under Bolsonaro

Daniel Buarque President Jair Bolsonaro has changed the priorities and alignments of Brazil's international positions, picked fights with historic allies, and threatened important economic relations, writes Daniel Buarque. These developments have changed the international status of Brazil and risk making the country a pariah Read more
September 6, 2022

EU democracy promotion cannot continue to remain silent on colonial crimes

Anna Khakee As long as the EU continues to silence European colonial crimes when promoting democracy and human rights in the Global South, it cannot live up to its moral promise. Instead, warns Anna Khakee, it risks perpetuating – inadvertently or otherwise – colonial-era hierarchies between civilisations and a sense of European moral superiority Read more

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