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European Union

December 14, 2022

The EU’s geopolitical opportunities in Latin America

Carlos José Cruz Infante One of the European Union's six priorities for 2019–2024 is to strengthen its voice on the world stage. Yet, writes Carlos Cruz Infante, the EU has not sufficiently explored its opportunities with the Latin American continent. Attractive opportunities remain if the bloc embraces them soon Read more
November 15, 2022

The winter of change: a breaking or breakthrough moment for the EU?

Iren Marinova The European Union is facing a multidimensional crisis that could exacerbate exiting intra-EU divisions and power asymmetries. The looming energy supply crunch, impending recession, and rising inflation could have a serious negative impact on the EU as it struggles to adapt to a changing world and region, writes Iren Marinova Read more
November 3, 2022

Italy’s changing international outlook under Meloni

Massimo D'Angelo On 21 October 2022, Giorgia Meloni became the first female Italian Prime Minister. She is also the head of the most right-wing government in the history of the Republic. Massimo D’Angelo explores the implications for Italy’s foreign policy and European outlook, as well as the lure of authoritarianism in some European governments Read more
October 31, 2022

COP27 in Egypt: the archipelago of political and environmental lies

Maria Gloria Polimeno COP27 will be held in Egypt, where environmentalism is being turned into new ways to control nature and citizens' lives under al-Sisi. This risks legitimating bio-autocracies, and it exposes the cowardice of green capitalism and sustainable neoliberalism, writes Maria Gloria Polimeno Read more
October 27, 2022

Complex laws are the price of inclusive democracy

Steffen Hurka Why are laws often so hard to understand? Steffen Hurka argues that the complexity of laws increases when political conflict becomes more intense and when decision-making becomes more inclusive. Democracies aim for compromise and the balancing of interests, and complex laws are the inevitable consequence Read more
October 26, 2022

Is the Suwałki gap the most dangerous place on earth?

Cindy Regnier Renewed tensions between Russia and the West amid war in Ukraine have focused attention on the ‘Suwałki gap’. According to Cindy Regnier, this corridor along the Lithuanian-Polish border has been increasingly securitised. Still, any attempt to seize control over it would gain the Russians little Read more
October 17, 2022

Can Azerbaijan become a reliable gas supplier for Europe?

Gubad Ibadoghlu Russia's war in Ukraine poses a threat to Europe’s energy security, prompting the EU to search for new gas suppliers. One of these is Azerbaijan. Gubad Ibadoglu explores the capacity of the country’s gas transport and production and assesses the potential for Azerbaijan to become a reliable gas supplier for Europe Read more
October 6, 2022

Military conscription is no antidote to the political apathy of new generations

Marco Giani Studying long-run patterns of public opinion in Europe shows that reintroducing compulsory national service would not counter the worrisome trend of declining trust in institutions among young generations. In fact, warns Marco Giani, the effect could be quite the opposite Read more

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