Loqman Radpey
In a rapidly changing political environment, the fate of Kurdistan is now shaping the future of the Middle East. Turkey’s century-long repression of the Kurds, argues Loqman Radpey, is now posing a critical dilemma: either embrace de jure recognition of Kurdistan and Kurdish rights, or risk escalating tensions and instability Read more
Lena Surzhko-Harned
Ukrainians tend to be categorised reductively as either 'bad' ethno-nationalists or 'good' civic democrats. Lena Surzhko-Harned argues this simplistic division is harmful to Ukraine and its defence against the Russian empire, which is eager to manipulate, divide and conquer Read more
Amit Singh
Emboldened by the support of the State, Hindu nationalists have unleashed violent attacks on religious minorities in India. Constant state propaganda and communal violence have led to the development of a ‘Nazi conscience’ among the Hindu majority, which now perceives violence to be morally righteous, argues Amit Singh Read more
Jack Wippell
Increased cooperation between a subset of far-right street-gangs – Active Clubs – has largely passed under the radar. Jack Wippell argues this constitutes a ‘new’ threat, and draws from research on extremist organisations to explore what might follow. He highlights several limitations in what we know, and calls for immediate collaboration between researchers and practitioners Read more
Stefano Braghiroli
Stefano Braghiroli and Andrey Makarychev chart a change in the Estonian National Conservative Party (EKRE). Lately, it has appealed for the first time to Russian-speaking minorities – an attempt at a similar process to the League’s transformation into a national party in Italy. Unlike the Lega, though, they face the obstacle of the Russian invasion of Ukraine Read more
Julian G. Waller
Some contemporary political developments take inspiration from fascism. But analogies between modern anti-liberal reaction and earlier totalitarian ideologies tend to obscure more than they enlighten. The concept of illiberalism allows us to make cross-national, ideational comparisons – especially transhistorical ones, writes Julian G. Waller Read more
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