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environmental politics

July 25, 2024

How urban climate action is fuelling populist backlash

Mahir Yazar In Germany, climate protesters are demanding diesel bans in cities. Norwegian activists are calling for the abolition of urban road tolls. But in cities across the world, writes Mahir Yazar, populists are rising up to challenge these progressive climate movements Read more
July 12, 2023

Small green firms beat big polluters in clean shipping negotiations

Benjamin Hofmann When some companies lobby for ambitious environmental policy and others against it, the larger ones usually win. New regulations for cleaner shipping in the Arctic and Baltic Sea show, however, that David can beat Goliath. Benjamin Hofmann explains how small green businesses can prevail in international environmental negotiations Read more
April 20, 2023

Curb your climate enthusiasm, here come the populists!

Vlad Surdea-Hernea Far-right populist parties have become crucial actors in shaping domestic policymaking across European democracies. Vlad Surdea-Hernea argues that populists have sensed an opportunity in the increasing salience of climate change. They have turned their attention towards limiting ambitious climate policy, thereby impeding or even reversing pro-environmental progress Read more
November 25, 2022

Lula’s commitment to reduce deforestation makes an EU-Mercosul free-trade agreement possible

Johanne Døhlie Saltnes Lula’s presidential election victory in Brazil has the potential to re-set EU-Latin American relations through ratification of the EU-Mercosul agreement. Yet, writes Johanne Døhlie Saltnes, there remain competing European and Brazilian demands that must be balanced Read more
October 31, 2022

COP27 in Egypt: the archipelago of political and environmental lies

Maria Gloria Polimeno COP27 will be held in Egypt, where environmentalism is being turned into new ways to control nature and citizens' lives under al-Sisi. This risks legitimating bio-autocracies, and it exposes the cowardice of green capitalism and sustainable neoliberalism, writes Maria Gloria Polimeno Read more
August 30, 2022

The Netherlands must bring UN Sustainable Development Goals into its political debate

Maya Bogers Can progress be made towards the Sustainable Development Goals in the Netherlands when they are largely absent from Dutch politics? Maya Bogers, Francesco Montesano, and Melanie van Driel argue that Members of Parliament who have ‘adopted’ individual goals might provide the answer. Read more
August 10, 2022

The global spread of Extinction Rebellion through mass protest

Peter Gardner Extinction Rebellion was created in 2018 by a small band of activists in Bristol, UK. By summer 2021, it was active in 79 countries across all continents bar Antarctica. Pete Gardner, Tiago Carvalho and Maria Valenstain argue that mass protest was key to the movement’s spread around the globe Read more
July 1, 2022

Explaining varying attitudes towards climate change measures in Western Europe

Christoph Arndt Recent European elections have revealed that voters are increasingly polarised on environmental protectionism. Christoph Arndt, Daphne Halikiopoulou and Christos Vrakopoulos contend that local opposition to climate change measures is reinforcing a centre-periphery cleavage in Western Europe Read more

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