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democratic backsliding

June 7, 2023

🌈 Autocratic backsliding in 'gender-washing' regimes

Daniela Donno Gender-washing regimes pay lip service to liberal norms, but reforms tend to be top-down and symbolic. To advance women’s rights, we need to pay attention to the question of how de jure legal rights can be effectively claimed and experienced by women, according to Daniela Donno Read more
May 31, 2023

🌊 Karnataka: a sign of hope for India's democratic backsliding

Tejendra Pratap Gautam The recent victory of the Congress party in the southern state of Karnataka is a step towards the reversal of India's democratic backsliding, writes Tejendra Pratap Gautam Read more
April 18, 2023

🌈 Genderwashing or genderbashing? Reconciling the different faces of modern autocrats

Elin Bjarnegård Gender and authoritarianism are interconnected – but in different and unexpected ways. Elin Bjarnegård and Pär Zetterberg think the relationship between them deserves more attention in political science. Here, they expose the relationship in terms of two autocrat strategies: genderwashing and genderbashing Read more
April 14, 2023

💊 Nonviolent resistance can facilitate a transition from autocracy to democracy

Justin Kempf Many political scientists have analysed democratic backsliding. Justin Kempf shows how some are helping activists refine their strategies and tactics to challenge autocrats and the basis of their rule. This provides an example of how political science can do much more than just conducting analysis and providing simple diagnoses Read more
March 23, 2023

🌈 Left-wing populism, democratic erosion, and patriarchy

Jennifer M. Piscopo Scholars and journalists tend to focus on the misogyny of right-wing autocrats. But Jennifer Piscopo argues that we shouldn't overlook the patriarchal attitudes of left-wing populists. They may not directly attack women and gender minorities, but they also roll back gender equality gains Read more
March 9, 2023

🌈 Democracy, gender equality and democratic backsliding

Emanuela Lombardo As far-right populist political parties and anti-gender movements gather momentum across Europe, democracy and gender equality come under increasing threat. Emanuela Lombardo shows how a concomitant rise in attacks on gender equality accelerates the process of democratic decline Read more
March 8, 2023

🌈 Democratic resilience and gender equality

Cristina Chiva Reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ rights are increasingly under attack across the world. So far, we have a good grasp of the causes and consequences of the backlash against gender equality. What we need to do now, argues Cristina Chiva, is to conceptualise and document democratic resilience against these trends Read more
March 6, 2023

🌈 The gendered face of democratic backsliding

Conny Roggeband Opposition to gender equality, and a crackdown on women’s rights, characterise the wave of autocratisation across many parts of the world. We often regard such misogyny against women as a deviant trait of individual political leaders. But this is a misunderstanding, write Conny Roggeband and Andrea Krizsán Read more

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