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Boris Johnson

July 3, 2024

The (non-)issue of Brexit in the 2024 UK election campaign

Monika Brusenbauch Meislová Compared with the 2019 UK election, Brexit is almost invisible in the 2024 campaign. Monika Brusenbauch Meislová explains why Brexit has become the elephant in the room, and argues that the main political parties' deafening silence on the issue is damaging the UK’s interests Read more
February 21, 2024

‘Democratic’ governments exploit protests to increase attacks on citizens' right to resist

Joseph Ward The rise of authoritarian politics in ‘formal democracies’ across Europe has been met with various forms of protest. Some of these movements have achieved partial success. But evidence from the UK and France suggests that neoliberal governments are harnessing such resistance to accelerate authoritarianism and hostility towards marginalised people, write Joseph Ward and Thomas Da Costa Vieira Read more
October 5, 2023

Why ‘levelling up’ in the UK has so far failed – and what a Labour government might do about it

Jack Newman Jack Newman, Simon Collinson, Nigel Driffield, Nigel Gilbert and Charlotte Hoole argue that the real solutions to the failings of the Conservative government’s levelling-up agenda in the UK lie in governance and not just investment. This is a lesson the Labour Party, as likely winner of the next election, should learn Read more
April 14, 2023

🔮 The British Conservative Party’s journey towards the populist radical right

Tim Bale Tim Bale, author of a new book on the Tories, argues they’ve been moving away from the mainstream for some time. It’s just that recent events have accelerated the process – and there are few, if any, signs of it stopping Read more
August 24, 2022

Failures in constitutional design are at the heart of the crisis in western democracies

Timothy Hellwig Timothy Hellwig explores the political crises in three European democracies (France, Italy and the UK) to argue that failures in constitutional design are at the root of their problems. These failures, moreover, are not dissimilar to those experienced in the United States, suggesting this is a current affliction of western democracies Read more
June 22, 2022

Westminster has a moral obligation to allow a second Scottish independence referendum

Ruairidh Brown The first obstacle in holding an Independence Referendum is assuring its legitimacy. To do so, says Ruairidh Brown, the SNP-Green alliance have implied the UK Government has no moral authority to deny Scots a choice on their future Read more
November 3, 2021

Boris Johnson wants net zero by 2050. Are his voters behind him?

Tim Bale The UK may be in the limelight at COP26, with the government having set highly ambitious targets for net zero by 2050. But, Tim Bale argues, evidence suggests that parts of the British electorate – largely Tory supporters – may be sceptical about the merits of the policy Read more
August 3, 2021

Will Brexit break up the United Kingdom?

Michael Keating The United Kingdom has left the European Union in order to restore its national sovereignty. Yet the cost may be the break up of the UK itself, writes Michael Keating Read more

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