We've found 412 articles matching your search phrase.
June 1, 2023

🔮 Populism: going beyond the myth of the charismatic leader

Sabine Volk
Too much populism research focuses on populist leaders, argues Sabine Volk. Yet looking through the lens of collective action offers valuable insights into how we might define populism. It also provides fresh understandings of what populism does, and how it works
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May 31, 2023

How (not) to measure China’s autocratic influence

Lars Pelke
Several liberal democracies view the People’s Republic of China no longer as a strategic partner, but as a systemic rival. Yet how intense is China’s influence? The China Index seeks to measure this influence across different domains. This is a welcome first step, but it is not without far-reaching flaws, write Lars Pelke and Katrin Kinzelbach
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May 31, 2023

🌊 Karnataka: a sign of hope for India's democratic backsliding

Tejendra Pratap Gautam
The recent victory of the Congress party in the southern state of Karnataka is a step towards the reversal of India's democratic backsliding, writes Tejendra Pratap Gautam
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May 30, 2023

Controversies over Slovakia’s new political cabinet

Max Steuer
After the break-up of the governing coalition in Slovakia, President Čaputová appointed Slovakia's first cabinet composed of largely non-partisan experts. Max Steuer questions the labelling of this cabinet as ‘non-political’ or ‘technocratic’. While not hailing from general election results, it enjoys other sources of democratic legitimacy
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May 25, 2023

How Erdoğan masterminded electoral victory despite Turkey's economic crisis

Erdoğan Altun
In the first round of the Turkish elections on 14 May, the incumbent AKP, led by President Erdoğan, won a narrow victory. This was a crushing blow for the opposition, who had pinned their hopes on Turkey's economic crisis, and crippling inflation, ending Erdoğan's authority. Erdoğan Altun explains how the AKP's electoral campaign, patronage and social assistance were crucial to its success
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May 24, 2023

⛓️ Academic freedom and the anti-Israeli BDS movement

Raphael Cohen-Almagor
Raphael Cohen-Almagor looks at the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign to boycott Israeli academics and ban Israel tout court. He argues that there is no justification for any academic organisation to do this. Any such decision would be unjust, unfair, and counter-productive
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May 23, 2023

🔮 Populism beyond methodological nationalism

Mari-Liis Jakobson
Mari-Liis Jakobson encourages to pay attention to transnationalising populism, which allows populists to gain knowledge and catch voters who often fly under the radar
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May 22, 2023

⛓️ Why we must resist illiberalism’s attacks on higher education

Andrea Pető
Andrea Pető is a gender scholar formerly based at Central European University in Budapest. Following crackdowns on gender studies by Viktor Orbán's government in Hungary, her institution has been forced into exile in Vienna. Here, Andrea breaks down illiberal leaders' specific strategies to undermine academic freedom, and offers suggestions for how academics, and citizens, can resist illiberal attacks on higher education
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May 19, 2023

How technology saved Nigeria's electoral integrity

Muhammad Edita
Since 2015, technology has helped consolidate Nigerian democracy by ensuring transparency and fairness in elections. Yet, writes Muhammad Edita, in Nigeria's most recent elections, the malfunctioning or manipulation of technology has – paradoxically – led to defeated parties challenging electoral results
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May 18, 2023

🦋 Studying democratic multiplicity democratically

James Tully
James Tully, Keith Cherry, David Owen and Pablo Ouziel explain how different conceptions of democracy can be grouped into 'families of democracies'. Thrillingly, they show how different families can 'join hands' and work together to establish an ecosocial succession that benefits everyone
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The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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