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Eastern European Politics

August 22, 2023

Are repeat elections in Bulgaria a sign of democratic health or weakness?

George Kordas George Kordas argues that repeat elections can benefit democracy if democratic mechanisms function effectively, giving voice to people frustrated with the current system. But when, as in Bulgaria, elections produce paralysis, and old powers continue in office, this compromises citizens’ belief in democracy Read more
July 20, 2023

Romania’s far right could enter government after the 2024 parliamentary elections

Ivo Kesler Ivo Kesler argues that the emergence of the far-right populist Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) reflects the contested legacy of legionarism and fascism in Romania. AUR is growing in popularity, and with parliamentary elections coming in 2024, the party constitutes a real threat to the mainstream Read more
July 4, 2023

🔮 How populist parties survive ‘mainstreaming’ once in power

Anca Turcu Populists thrive on being perceived as outsiders. This creates an incentive for mainstream governing populist parties to portray themselves as challengers to the establishment. Anca Turcu examines the tactics Hungary’s and Turkey’s governing populists employ to survive mainstreaming Read more
June 16, 2023

Lex Tusk as a catalyst for EU democracy

Jaap Hoeksma The European Commission's intervention in the Polish crisis concerning the Lex Tusk is most welcome, writes Jaap Hoeksma. To be credible, however, the EU must also have its own house in order Read more
June 16, 2023

Poland's new anti-Constitutional law targets the opposition ahead of forthcoming elections

Kaja Kaźmierska Kaja Kaźmierska analyses a new law passed recently in Poland which violates the Constitution multiple times on the pretext of investigating Russian influence over Polish politics. Opposition parties have dubbed this law the 'Lex Tusk', arguing that its purpose is predominantly to prevent a Tusk victory in the forthcoming elections Read more
May 30, 2023

Controversies over Slovakia’s new political cabinet

Max Steuer After the break-up of the governing coalition in Slovakia, President Čaputová appointed Slovakia's first cabinet composed of largely non-partisan experts. Max Steuer questions the labelling of this cabinet as ‘non-political’ or ‘technocratic’. While not hailing from general election results, it enjoys other sources of democratic legitimacy Read more
May 22, 2023

State-sponsored Holocaust distortion in Bulgaria

Ildiko Otova Bulgaria recently celebrated the 80th anniversary of the State rescuing 48,000 Jews from deportation and death in Nazi concentration camps. On the surface, this reads like a nation-affirming narrative. But Ildiko Otova argues that the celebrations were merely another attempt to construct a mythology of Holocaust denial Read more
April 21, 2023

Bulgaria’s political impasse

Ildiko Otova Bulgaria has just held its fifth national election in two years. As in the previous four, there was no clear winner. The small lead for Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria (GERB-SDS) resolves nothing. Indeed, argues Ildiko Otova, it probably renders political stability even more difficult to secure Read more

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