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March 9, 2022

The challenges of gender integration in development

Joyce Wu Addressing gender inequality is a critical aspect of international development. So why has progress been so slow? Joyce Wu considers the roadblocks on the path of gender and development. Here, she focuses on institutional resistance, and suggests how to break it down Read more
March 8, 2022

Bicycles could ‘build back stronger’ post-Covid – but may have unintended consequences

Lyndsay Hayhurst Women and girls’ increased access to bicycles can support sustainable development, says the UN. Yet, write Lyndsay Hayhurst and Mitchell McSweeney, the bicycle may also exacerbate gender inequality Read more
March 7, 2022

Adolescent girls face severe threats in crisis and conflict – and we must listen to them

Katrina Lee-Koo Despite the prevalence of security threats facing adolescent girls in conflict and crisis contexts, write Katrina Lee-Koo and Eleanor Gordon, they are rarely engaged in efforts to identify or address these threats. This enables the continuation of high levels of violence against them and compromises peace-building efforts Read more
March 7, 2022

A welcome for Ukrainian refugees, but not those from the Middle East

Irene Landini Eastern European governments show a high degree of solidarity towards Ukrainian asylum seekers fleeing the conflict provoked by the Russian invasion. At the same time, these governments continue to resist asylum seekers from the Middle East. Irene Landini explains the geographical, cultural and political factors behind this contradiction. Read more
March 4, 2022

🌊 Autocratisation: the key to capturing today's democratic difficulties

João Alípio Correa The concept of 'illiberal democracy' is well-founded, but João Alípio Correa argues that it fails to convey what is happening in regimes described as such. To gain a more incisive understanding of the current deterioration in democratic regimes, he proposes the umbrella definition 'autocratisation' Read more
March 1, 2022

🦋 Democracy by any other name

Kathleen McCrudden Illert Jean-Paul Gagnon has argued that the most promising way of approaching the total texture of democracy is through words. But, asks Kathleen McCrudden Illert, what’s in a name? Many theories that we would recognise today as democratic were not, due to their historical context, associated with the signifier ‘democracy’ – and these concepts will be missing from Gagnon’s data mountain. Read more
February 28, 2022

The fragility of democratic freedoms in the Covid-19 pandemic

Pavlos Vasilopoulos In research monitoring public attitudes during the Covid-19 pandemic, Pavlos Vasilopoulos, Haley McAvay, Sylvain Brouard, and Martial Foucault found that public commitment to civil liberties is highly volatile, especially when fear prevails. This, they argue, should worry proponents of democracy Restriction of civil liberties under Covid The Covid-19 pandemic brought unprecedented restrictions to civil liberties […] Read more
February 25, 2022

The benefits and risks for the EU of ‘differentiated integration’

Sandra Kröger Using an expert survey, Sandra Kröger and Thomas Loughran assess the benefits and risks for the EU of ‘differentiated integration’ – where countries do not participate in specific policy areas or proceed at different speeds of integration. Their findings reveal mixed support for the process with some notable differences of opinion. Read more

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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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