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April 24, 2023

🦋 What can we make of transnational industrial democracy after the 2013 Rana Plaza disaster?

Juliane Reinecke The 2013 Rana Plaza disaster led to an unprecedented initiative based on principles of industrial democracy to prevent future factory deaths in the Bangladesh garment sector. Yet, write Juliane Reinecke and Jimmy Donaghey, the success of the initiative depends on whether transnational and local actors cooperate and whether a market-driven approach to labour rights renders effective in the absence of a disaster Read more
April 24, 2023

♟️ How ruling parties’ relationship with citizens changes the nature of autocracy

Fabio Angiolillo Party-based regimes are the most durable autocracies. Although there exist stronger and weaker ruling parties depending on the elite-leader relationship, the attitude of party-based regimes towards citizens also matters to their nature. Fabio Angiolillo argues that ruling parties’ recruitment strategies in autocracies can facilitate a much deeper understanding of party-based autocracies Read more
April 21, 2023

🔮 Populism and the nexus of illiberalism

Marcel Lewandowsky Marcel Lewandowsky argues that much research on populism suffers from that a contextual blind spot: it overlooks the broad variety of illiberal attitudes of which populism is only one variant. Here, he calls for more research on this ‘invisible coalition’ of illiberal attitudes Read more
April 19, 2023

🦋 Inclusive democracy: a second-generation design

Karen Celis Fixing numbers is not enough. In their second-generation design for inclusive democracy, Karen Celis and Sarah Childs refashion representation processes to incentivise elected representatives to care more for diverse citizens. The designed-for effects? Experiencing better representation ‘in the round’, the most marginalised feeling recognised by and connected with democratic politics Read more
April 17, 2023

🦋 Language, diversity, and Ralph Ellison’s 'democratic vernacular'

Nathan Pippenger Do democracies have to choose between diversity and social cohesion? The African-American writer Ralph Ellison spent his career resisting this false choice, arguing that the idea of a 'common culture' did not have to amount to assimilation. Nathan Pippenger argues that Ellison’s distinctive perspective on these issues holds important lessons for democracies today Read more
April 14, 2023

💊 Nonviolent resistance can facilitate a transition from autocracy to democracy

Justin Kempf Many political scientists have analysed democratic backsliding. Justin Kempf shows how some are helping activists refine their strategies and tactics to challenge autocrats and the basis of their rule. This provides an example of how political science can do much more than just conducting analysis and providing simple diagnoses Read more
April 13, 2023

💊 How institutional imagination can animate high-energy democracy

Mary Murphy Mary Murphy argues that the recovery of democracy is contingent upon enabling participation and recovering trust though a high-energy democracy. We need political and institutional imagination to develop political institutions capable of addressing ecosocial challenges – including sustainability and equality Read more
April 4, 2023

🦋 Making the case for inconvenient democracy

Remi Chukwudi Okeke Remi Chukwudi Okeke argues that democracy's adherents often jettison it for other forms of governance, like authoritarianism, when it is no longer convenient for them. Embracing an ethic of inconvenient democracy may undo this pernicious dynamic Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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