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June 7, 2023

Why the Mexican Congress is too weak to control the President

Carlos Vázquez-Ferrel The new wave of strong executives in Latin America is not only caused by their forceful attempts to push their legislative agenda, or their popularity. Carlos Vázquez-Ferrel examines the Mexican case, where there are institutional disincentives to empower Congress. The result is a weak and disillusioned legislative opposition Read more
May 31, 2023

🌊 Karnataka: a sign of hope for India's democratic backsliding

Tejendra Pratap Gautam The recent victory of the Congress party in the southern state of Karnataka is a step towards the reversal of India's democratic backsliding, writes Tejendra Pratap Gautam Read more
May 30, 2023

Controversies over Slovakia’s new political cabinet

Max Steuer After the break-up of the governing coalition in Slovakia, President Čaputová appointed Slovakia's first cabinet composed of largely non-partisan experts. Max Steuer questions the labelling of this cabinet as ‘non-political’ or ‘technocratic’. While not hailing from general election results, it enjoys other sources of democratic legitimacy Read more
May 30, 2023

🔮 Populism is not just something that populists ‘are’ – it can also be performed and communicated

Michael Hameleers When facts are disputed and experts delegitimised, the term 'populism' may apply to truths and to untruths. Michael Hameleers argues that populist ideas are often strategically communicated to emphasise a divide between congruent truths and incongruent lies. This only serves to emphasise the idea of a divide between ordinary people and corrupt political elites Read more
May 26, 2023

🦋 Bhimrao Ambedkar as theorist of democracy

Scott R. Stroud Bhimrao Ambedkar was many things, and is often known as a political activist and an anti-caste thinker. In addition, Scott R. Stroud positions Ambedkar as a theorist of democracy who extends the pragmatist tradition Read more
May 23, 2023

🦋 The concept of 'project democracy'

Anastasia Kavada Anastasia Kavada's 'project democracy' grew out of the major protest movements of the 2010s. It centres around action, organisation and implementation, rather than deliberation or decision-making. Here, she argues that the project offers an understanding of democracy that goes beyond the familiar practices discussed in academic literature Read more
May 22, 2023

⛓️ Why we must resist illiberalism’s attacks on higher education

Andrea Pető Andrea Pető is a gender scholar formerly based at Central European University in Budapest. Following crackdowns on gender studies by Viktor Orbán's government in Hungary, her institution has been forced into exile in Vienna. Here, Andrea breaks down illiberal leaders' specific strategies to undermine academic freedom, and offers suggestions for how academics, and citizens, can resist illiberal attacks on higher education Read more
May 19, 2023

How technology saved Nigeria's electoral integrity

Muhammad Edita Since 2015, technology has helped consolidate Nigerian democracy by ensuring transparency and fairness in elections. Yet, writes Muhammad Edita, in Nigeria's most recent elections, the malfunctioning or manipulation of technology has – paradoxically – led to defeated parties challenging electoral results Read more

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