Articles by Veronica Anghel

May 7, 2024

The key question for the EU is not whether to enlarge, but how best to do so

Veronica Anghel
Veronica Anghel and Erik Jones redefine the EU as a (selective membership) system of common resource pools, arguing this is the only way to understand its transformation under the pressure to enlarge. Enlargement means less exclusivity, so the key is to understand how the ‘goods’ that it provides are affected
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March 10, 2023

Pandemic Europe three years on: insights from political science

Veronica Anghel
It is three years since the World Health Organisation declared Covid-19 a pandemic, on 11 March 2020. Veronica Anghel conducts a retrospective analysis of the impact of the health crisis, from all social scientific perspectives. Did political science rise to the challenge?
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July 21, 2022

Is EU enlargement to Ukraine and Moldova credible?

Veronica Anghel
The credibility of EU membership for Ukraine and Moldova depends on how flexible member states are with the criteria for entry and the notion of full membership. Veronica Anghel and Erik Jones, drawing on analysis of previous enlargements, show that the flexibility can be considerable
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August 19, 2021

Progressive mayors in Central Eastern Europe challenge the status quo

Veronica Anghel
Major cities in Central Eastern Europe have elected liberal and progressive mayors. But, writes Veronica Anghel, socially conservative attitudes and voting patterns are unlikely to shift at national level across the region
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January 29, 2021

Joe Biden will balance security interests and the rule of law in Central and Eastern Europe

Veronica Anghel
Under the Biden administration, the EU stands to have an ally against authoritarian tendencies in some Central and Eastern European countries writes Veronica Anghel. But US involvement will not be transformative
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photograph of Veronica Anghel
Veronica Anghel
Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University – SAIS; Visiting Fellow, Robert Schuman Center – European University Institute; Europe’s Futures Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences Vienna

Veronica’s research focuses on European integration, and the challenges to democratic regime building in post-communist Europe.

In 2020, she was honoured with the inaugural ECPR Rising Star Award.

She has been awarded fellowships at Stanford University (Fulbright), the Institute for Human Sciences Vienna, the Institute for Central Europe Vienna, the University of Bordeaux and the Institute for Government in Vienna.

Her work has appeared in the Journal of European Public Policy, East European Politics and Societies, Government & Opposition, Survival and in edited volumes.

She is also the ‘Robert Elgie’ Editorial Fellow for Government & Opposition.

Her research is currently supported by a re:constitution Berlin ‘Rule of Law’ fellowship.

Veronica also worked as a foreign affairs advisor for the Romanian Presidential Administration and the Romanian Senate.

She comments on current affairs related to rule of law and party politics in Central Eastern Europe for blogs and news outlets (,, The Guardian, Financial Times, New York Times, etc.) and analysis units (The Economist Intelligence Unit, Oxford Analytica, etc).

Minority Governments in Comparative Perspective

Her chapter on 'Minority Governments in Romania' appears in Minority Governments in Comparative Perspective, edited by Bonnie N. Field and Shane Martin (OUP, 2022)

Veronica Anghel (2021) Failing forward in Eastern Enlargement: problem solving through problem making, Journal of European Public Policy (with Erik Jones)

Veronica Anghel (2020) Together or Apart? The European Union’s East–West Divide, Survival, 62:3, 179-202

She tweets @anghel_v1

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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