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youth in politics

June 3, 2024

Let young people into politics: they won’t disappoint

Michal Grahn Evidence shows that young people make productive legislators who work hard and get reelected. With elections to the European Parliament imminent, voters have a chance to significantly boost youth representation in European politics. Michal Grahn argues that youth representation matters because young people are growing increasingly disillusioned with democracy Read more
March 18, 2024

🎭 Realising young people's democratic potential

Temidayo Eseonu Many young people are at the forefront of demanding change, such as racial justice. Temidayo Eseonu draws on her research with racially minoritised young people to show how Afrofuturism can help them understand racism and resist its impact on their lives. Tapping into young people’s democratic potential can give us all hope for the future Read more
March 8, 2024

♀️ Fewer women than men in parties’ youth wings want to run for office

Sofia Ammassari Youth wings of political parties are a key part of the pipeline to power. However, among their members, fewer women than men would consider running for public office. According to Sofia Ammassari, if we want to redress women’s underrepresentation in parliaments, youth wings are a good place to start Read more
October 6, 2022

Military conscription is no antidote to the political apathy of new generations

Marco Giani Studying long-run patterns of public opinion in Europe shows that reintroducing compulsory national service would not counter the worrisome trend of declining trust in institutions among young generations. In fact, warns Marco Giani, the effect could be quite the opposite Read more

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