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July 2, 2024

If you care about AI, this is who you should vote for in the UK general election

Jason Tucker Nearly all UK election manifestos contain pledges relating to Artificial Intelligence. Yet, writes Jason Tucker, the various parties all focus on different aspects of AI. Two are most concerned with regulation, two with public interest, and one with innovation. Another has published a manifesto that ignores AI entirely Read more
May 8, 2024

'None of the above': how to improve compulsory voting requirements

Shane P. Singh Compulsory voting boosts turnout but has also negative consequences, such as increasing invalid voting. Furthermore, it gives voters, including newly enfranchised youth, few opportunities to express discontent or disinterest. Shane P. Singh, Carolina Plescia and Sylvia Kritzinger argue that we could solve this by introducing a 'none-of-the-above' (NOTA) option Read more
February 12, 2024

How powerful are polls in influencing election outcomes?

Werner Krause Werner Krause and Christina Gahn argue that we need to pay more attention to how the media communicates the results of opinion polls to the public. Reporting methodological details, such as margins of error, can alter citizens’ vote choices on election day. This has important implications for elections around the globe Read more
August 11, 2023

Are British voters ready for i-voting?

Manu Savani As political participation, government services, and social interaction increasingly go digital, are we ready for i-voting – remote online voting – through a few clicks on a phone or laptop? Justin Fisher and Manu Savani look at what makes British voters willing to take up i-voting Read more
March 30, 2023

The dilemma of postal voting

Miroslav Nemčok Postal voting is praised for its ability to lower the costs of electoral participation. However, Miroslav Nemčok and Johanna Peltoniemi argue that postal voting has its limits. If voters doubt their ballots will make it to the ballot box uncompromised, they are unlikely to exercise their democratic right Read more
October 28, 2022

🦋 How elections stifle democracy in Kenya

Reginald Oduor Reginald M.J. Oduor encourages more political theorists to disentangle themselves from the idea that democracy and elections are inextricably bound. Through this he seeks to promote the pursuit of genuine citizen participation in post-colonial states in Africa and elsewhere Read more
June 20, 2022

🦋 The open texture of democracy

John Capps Democracy comes in lots of different flavours. How do we make sense of this? Is having all these meanings a feature or a bug? John Capps suggests that the idea of 'open texture' can help us better understand democratic theory and practice Read more
June 16, 2022

🦋 Democracy: by design and on the move

Erica Dorn Democracy today is a colonial artefact tied to violent borders. Moreover, it produces an increasing number of non-citizens, unable to participate in democracy where they live. Erica Dorn and Federico Vaz argue that Gagnon's courageous enquiry into defining the historical landscape of democracy can bring more equity to its current – unjust – paradigm Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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