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Viktor Orbán

March 23, 2023

🌈 Left-wing populism, democratic erosion, and patriarchy

Jennifer M. Piscopo Scholars and journalists tend to focus on the misogyny of right-wing autocrats. But Jennifer Piscopo argues that we shouldn't overlook the patriarchal attitudes of left-wing populists. They may not directly attack women and gender minorities, but they also roll back gender equality gains Read more
March 15, 2023

🌈  The effects of autocratisation on women’s rights: a contradictory picture

Aili Mari Tripp Autocratising governments in countries from Hungary to Turkey and Russia are eroding women’s rights. While this is indeed a worrying trend, Aili Mari Tripp argues we must consider that autocratisation looks different depending on a country’s historical legacies and geopolitical situation. This influences the types of women’s rights a regime might seek to undo Read more
March 6, 2023

🌈 Anti-feminists want to control, alter and delete women’s rights

Rebecca Sanders The reversal of Roe, bans on teaching about gender, and gunmen showing up at drag shows all are part of a trend in US and international politics. Rebecca Sanders and Laura Dudley Jenkins call it 'patriarchal populism'. They explain what patriarchal populism is, and three tactics used to undermine and attack established women’s and LGBTQ+ human rights Read more
December 1, 2022

Peace in our time in Ukraine

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher argues that an end to hostilities in Ukraine in the context of a Peace Plan is not unforeseeable. It is in the interest of all sides. He identifies the steps that need to be taken and the people likely to be involved Read more
November 3, 2022

Italy’s changing international outlook under Meloni

Massimo D'Angelo On 21 October 2022, Giorgia Meloni became the first female Italian Prime Minister. She is also the head of the most right-wing government in the history of the Republic. Massimo D’Angelo explores the implications for Italy’s foreign policy and European outlook, as well as the lure of authoritarianism in some European governments Read more
October 12, 2022

🌊 Resisting autocratisation

Luca Manucci We have, in the intellectual world, spent much time trying to understand populism, fascism, illiberalism and the processes of autocratisation. Now, argues Luca Manucci, it is time to debate and establish the best strategies to fight against these tendencies and establish democratic resilience Read more
September 30, 2022

🌊 The fascist zeitgeist

Luca Manucci Luca Manucci argues that illiberalism and autocratisation have too readily been labelled as ‘populism’, an all-embracing concept which simply helps to provide cover to the neo-fascist cause. This has led to surprise when a politician like Giorgia Meloni, leading a party with neo-fascist roots, reaches the brink of power Read more
September 30, 2022

Italian general election: the far right sweeps to power under Giorgia Meloni

Giovanni Capoccia The Italian general election produced a clear majority for the right-wing coalition headed by the Brothers of Italy, following a significant shift of votes within the coalition. The parties of the centre-left failed to forge an electoral alliance to stop the right. The political landscape remains volatile, says Giovanni Capoccia Read more

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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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