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United Nations

July 22, 2024

A first step, but a long road ahead for Ukraine’s peace process

Davide Genini Switzerland held the first Ukraine Peace Summit in June 2024. After several peace proposals, the Summit marked the first significant diplomatic step towards a 'comprehensive, just and lasting' peace in Ukraine. Davide Genini examines the main results of the Summit, placing them in the context of an increasingly complex geopolitical landscape Read more
June 17, 2024

What the Council of Europe’s new treaty tells us about global AI governance

Mahmoud Javadi The Council of Europe’s treaty on Artificial Intelligence marks a significant achievement in multilateral AI governance. Nonetheless, Mahmoud Javadi suggests that it could foreshadow potential challenges, if not failure, for similar UN efforts Read more
February 7, 2024

BRICS expansion: another sign of the world's de-westernisation?

Bernardo Jurema Bernardo Jurema places the recent BRICS expansion into appropriate historical context. It is, he argues, a project to de-westernise the world, opening up new possibilities, including de-colonialisation along the lines of previous historical attempts. It may not be everything that is needed, but it is a significant step forwards Read more
January 24, 2024

An impending world conflagration – and all the result of Western neglect

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher argues that longstanding Western neglect and weakness in the face of rising aggression from authoritarian regimes threatens worldwide conflagration. Post-1991 dreams of a new international order have been definitively shattered – and the West’s current positions do nothing to reduce the risks Read more
July 14, 2023

How China is reshaping UN development work

Max-Otto Baumann China’s presence in United Nations (UN) development work has expanded considerably. While this contributes to geopolitical rivalries with the West, Max-Otto Baumann and Sebastian Haug advocate examining the potential and risks of China’s take on the UN’s role, its cooperation priorities, and development philosophy Read more
April 28, 2023

National legislators in global governance: there’s more going on than you think

Philipp Bien When we consider national parliaments, we think of the domestic arena. However, there are rarely observed foreign dimensions to the work of national legislators. Philipp Bien, Meray Maddah and Thomas Malang argue that, through fora like the Inter-Parliamentary Union, national legislators have become an important group in international politics Read more
April 20, 2023

It’s time to rethink emergency medical aid in armed conflict

Michael Walsh ​​​Michael Walsh​​ argues that only ecosystem disruptors​​​ can realise the full potential of emergency medical teams. A radical reimagining of current structures would save lives and alleviate suffering in armed conflicts and other insecure environments​​ Read more
December 1, 2022

Peace in our time in Ukraine

Albrecht Rothacher Albrecht Rothacher argues that an end to hostilities in Ukraine in the context of a Peace Plan is not unforeseeable. It is in the interest of all sides. He identifies the steps that need to be taken and the people likely to be involved Read more

The Loop

Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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