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March 6, 2023

🌈 The gendered face of democratic backsliding

Conny Roggeband Opposition to gender equality, and a crackdown on women’s rights, characterise the wave of autocratisation across many parts of the world. We often regard such misogyny against women as a deviant trait of individual political leaders. But this is a misunderstanding, write Conny Roggeband and Andrea Krizsán Read more
February 21, 2023

♟️ Brazil’s 8 January insurrection: distinguishing coup advocacy from coup attempt

Jonathan Powell Observers were quick to call the events on 8 January in Brazil a coup attempt. But Jonathan Powell and Salah Ben Hammou caution against conflating coup advocacy with coup attempts. Authoritarianism scholars should also note that usage of the term 'coup' has historically varied Read more
December 22, 2022

The 2022 American midterm elections: a return to common sense

José J. Sanmartín José J. Sanmartín explores the significance of last month's midterm elections in the US, detecting deep undercurrents at work in American politics. These, he says, will not only shape the next presidential election campaign. They may also determine the United States’ vision of itself in the longer term Read more
June 23, 2022

'The people' goes to the Capitol

Lasse Thomassen How should we interpret what happened on 6 January 2021 at the Capitol? Lasse Thomassen argues that, while populists like Trump may threaten democracy, we cannot simply dismiss populism and the populist mob without taking something away from it that we value: its inherent openness Read more
February 24, 2021

Trump’s acquittal reminds us that we are still very much living in the post-truth age

Ruairidh Brown In Trump’s second impeachment trial, ‘truth’ never really mattered, writes Ruairidh Brown. Regardless of the facts or evidence presented, the endurance of a post-truth climate guaranteed he would be acquitted regardless Read more
October 30, 2020

Despite the favourable polls, a Biden victory in the US presidential election is still too close to call

Richard Johnson Despite the favourable polls, a Biden victory in the US Presidential Election is still too close to call Read more

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Cutting-edge analysis showcasing the work of the political science discipline at its best.
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